Saturday, December 8, 2018

Brand Highlight: Soy

Today's brand is Soy. It's been featured in every game so far, though it was called 'Terra' in the first game and 'Soy Milk' in the second. Soy's style is 'boho-chic' and the brand specializes in earthy colors and relaxed, loose-fitting clothing.

Soy is possibly my least favorite brand and it has a pretty small stock in comparison to a lot of the others, so this one was...interesting.
Let's get started!
I don't think I've ever used these leg warmers before. Glad I finally got the chance!
I love these butterfly jeans! I think they're probably my favorite item from the brand.
I also love these long cardigans.
Yeah, not a fan of how this one turned out.
Whoops, didn't mean to use the same shirt/hoodie/scarf combo again.
Luna the genie makes a return!
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I think this shirt and these shorts are cute on their own, but together I think they're a bit much.
I don't use them as much as the plain ones from Marzipan Sky, but I do really like these flowy vests.
This ended up being one of the funner outfits here. I need to use these hoodies more often.
I don't use the long skirts super often, so this was a good chance to get some use out of them, because Soy's got a bunch.
These dreamcatcher chokers are great.
A very comfy outfit.
Definitely the worst outfit in this post.
This outfit would've been better without the hat.
This one turned out better than expected.
These shorts are probably one of the nicer items from the brand as well.
The purple hair was definitely a good choice here! I love how it goes with the green of the dress.
I probably shouldn't have done so many outfits for this one. There are too many repeated items.
This is pretty similar to the outfit I gave Angelique for her beach trip in Styling Star.
Black and red, always a great combination.
This is another one that surprised me with how well it turned out.
A pretty crazy look with all of the different colors and patterns. I can't tell if it looks cool or hideous lol
Inspired by an outfit I've seen Marzi use a couple of times.
Uh...I definitely didn't mean to put together THREE really similar outfits >.>; whoops?
I've never been sure how to feel about these pants, but I figured I'd get some use out of them here.
Somehow I got through this without using the other type of rainbow dress from Soy. That wasn't intentional either, I have no why I didn't use one of them. Oh well, I don't use this one as often anyway!
Given all of the repeated items, I'm surprised I didn't get more use out of the feather dresses.
Finishing off with my favorite! I love this jellyfish set.

Alright, that's all for now! This should've been up several days ago, but let's just ignore my procrastination >.>;

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