Saturday, December 1, 2018

New Room

I definitely didn't almost forget to post this >.>; anyway, it's the first of the month, so that means I've swapped out my Caprice Chalet room, and since it's december, I've brought back my Christmas-themed one.
The room is the same as last year, but the designs are actually new.
New Christmas designs! I actually like this dress a lot better than last year's. Plus, I designed a bag to go with it this time :)
Last year's dress was fine, but it was lacking in green.
And here's Luna's look for the month.
I wanted to put together something Christmas-y without using any of the actually Christmas-themed items...well, aside from the Santa hat. This coat seemed like a perfect item to use, so I used it as the base for the outfit.
This seemed like a good chance for some white hair.

That's all for now!

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