Saturday, September 29, 2018

General Update

Hey guys! Sorry that I've been doing such a bad job with keeping up with the blog this month. I'll try and do better next month, but honestly, I've been having a hard time keeping up for a while. I'll keep trying my best, but I guess I've finally reached the point where I have to accept that I'm not going to post as often as I'd like to :/ with that said, though, I've found that posting on tumblr is generally quicker and easier, so if you'd like to see me post more frequently, you should follow me over there. Relating to all of this...

It's time for the weekly Shopdo update now, right? Well, not quite.

See, the thing is, I don't like putting up the Shopdo updates by themselves. I just don't want this blog to turn into nothing but that, you know? And with what my posting schedule has been like lately...well, anyway, I don't like putting them up by themselves, so I include them in other posts, but I also don't like putting them in the wrong type of post. I don't like shoehorning them into non-Styling Star posts, and I don't like tacking them onto the end of posts that are already quite long. So I'm pretty limited in what posts I can include them in, and...

I need to work on my rambling problem. Anyway, this is all just a long winded way of saying that I've decided to stop posting my Shopdo updates here. I'll still be updating it every week, and I'll still be posting the updates on my tumblr, they just won't be posted here anymore. I promise this whole post isn't just me advertising my tumblr, haha.

There's still one more piece of news, and it's the most important. Some of you already know about this, but last weekend I got a new bunny! His name is Mr. Cuddles and he has a blankie that he loves and carries around with him. If that isn't the cutest thing ever, I don't know what is.
Mr. Cuddles and his blankie.

He belonged to one of my mom's coworkers, but she'd been looking for a new home for him for quite a while. So here we are! 

He's very friendly and sweet and certainly lives up to his name. Not only does he fit the weirdly consistent color scheme of my pets, he's also a klutz like the rest of us, haha. And since he and Mimi are both fixed already, there's no problem with letting them interact. In fact, the two of them absolutely adore each other! It was honestly worth taking him in for that reason alone. Mimi's been SO happy the last week :) they're living separately right now, but since they like each other so much, I'm planning to move them in with each other next weekend.

I'll share more pictures of him (and of them together, they're sooo cute) when I get the chance. Right now my phone's being difficult.

Anyway, that's all for now!

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