Thursday, September 13, 2018

Style Imitation Challenge

Hey guys! My internet's been down for the last week thanks to a thunderstorm. It finally came back yesterday, though, so it's time for a challenge and a Shopdo update.

1. Girly

The first style we're going to imitate is girly. I chose to do two outfits for each style, so for this one I decided to use bold and babydoll.

2. Basic

Next up is basic. For this one I used girly and preppy. I'm especially happy with the second one, because it really does look basic and not preppy at all.

3. Gothic

Gothic this time, and I chose to use babydoll and feminine to imitate it. Originally I was going to use rock for the second one, but it ended up looking almost exactly like my off-brand rock outfit, so I nixed that one and went for a feminine look instead. I mean, feminine's probably a more interesting style to use for this one, anyway.

4. Psychedelic

For this one I went with boho-chic and lively. Lively was a given, but Soy actually has a surprising amount of colorful and crazy items, so I figured I'd capitalize on that. I also took this chance to go a little crazier with the hair than I normally would, which was fun.

5.  Eastern

This was a surprisingly easy one. I went with bold for the first outfit and gothic for the second. I considered lively, but gothic won out.

6. Preppy

Basic and feminine, probably the easiest styles to use for this one. I was actually going to use rock for the second one, but it turned out too punk-y, not preppy enough, so I swapped it out for feminine again, haha.

7. Bold

This time instead of replacing rock with feminine, I used both! This might be my favorite set from this challenge. I mean, the rock one was easy, of course, but I didn't expect the feminine one to turn out so good! I should sell that outfit to Yolanda, actually...

8. Babydoll

Psychedelic and girly. That first one might seem like an odd choice, but I just had to try it. I'm not really sure how babydoll it is, but it turned out super cute, so I don't really care.

The second one was actually hard because I had a bunch of different items I wanted to use, but none of them went together, haha. In the end I decided to go with this pink heart-patterned bolero and built the outfit around that. I should've included some hairbows in this one, I'm not sure why I didn't...

9. Chic

Here I used feminine for an elegant, classy look, and then bold for something more luxurious. They both turned out really nice, though the second one feels a bit cheaty, since I'm pretty sure most of the items actually are from Enid Chen >.>;

10. Lively

Girly and bold for this one. The girly one still feels a bit too girly, I should've used more colors. The bold one turned out really great, though!

11. Boho-Chic

For the first outfit I chose to use girly, and it turned out perfect! Taking these pictures at sunset was a great choice too, they make the whole look even prettier. For the second one I was originally going to use bold and build an outfit around one of the butterfly dresses, but that seemed way too predictable for me, so I went with eastern instead. This one is definitely way too eastern-looking, I'd say it's a bit of a failure. At least it's something different, though!

12. Rock

Bold and gothic. This was another easy one.

13. Feminine

For this last one, I chose to use completely opposite styles. Chic for a professional office lady look, and then basic for something more casual.

Now it's time for the Shopdo update.
Hannah's new pirate-y look.
I went for a gothic theme this week. Rather than dressing Alice up to match the theme, though, I chose the theme to go with Alice's current look.
Outfit #1. 
Outfit #2.
Outfit #3.

Alright, that's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. That sure looks like a fun challenge! All of those outfits look good!
    I should try this out sometime.
