Saturday, December 8, 2018

Brand Highlight: Soy

Today's brand is Soy. It's been featured in every game so far, though it was called 'Terra' in the first game and 'Soy Milk' in the second. Soy's style is 'boho-chic' and the brand specializes in earthy colors and relaxed, loose-fitting clothing.

Soy is possibly my least favorite brand and it has a pretty small stock in comparison to a lot of the others, so this one was...interesting.
Let's get started!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

New Room

I definitely didn't almost forget to post this >.>; anyway, it's the first of the month, so that means I've swapped out my Caprice Chalet room, and since it's december, I've brought back my Christmas-themed one.
The room is the same as last year, but the designs are actually new.