Friday, December 1, 2017

New Room + Other Stuff

Sorry that I haven't posted in over a week, I've got the flu right now. Funtimes. Honestly, I still feel like hot garbage, but I wanted to get this post up today regardless.
New Christmas-themed room up for download. It'll be up for the whole month of December.
Here's the outfit that you can buy.
The dress, boots, and bag are my designs.
There's also a custom make-up set that you can buy.
Luna in the room, wearing the green Santa outfit from Purple Moon.
Luna and Jade (I think), oddly colored Santas.

Also...I know I said that I wouldn't be posting anymore Styling Star stuff until the game came out, but I realized that I forgot to include some pictures in my other posts, so here they are.
Preppy customer browsing. I took this picture because I liked her hairstyle.
A chic girl wearing a rock outfit doing a cutesy pose.
Another of the new 'try it on' poses.
Another picture of side-ponytail girl.
If you were wondering why there were way more pictures of the girly performance than the rock one in the last post, one of the reasons is because I apparently forgot an entire set. Whoops.
The other reason is because I just didn't take as many pictures of the rock performances for some reason.
Except for this one.

And that's it. I'm gonna go finish hacking up that lung now. Hope you guys are feeling better than I am.


  1. Nice Christmas-themed room...
    I haven't been feeling well recently either, hope you get better with relative ease.

    1. Well, at least I'm not alone in my suffering :P not that I was anyway, the whole family caught it.
      I'm mostly better, pretty much just tired at this point. I hope you feel better soon too!

      Oh, and thanks :) I thought it turned out pretty nice, too.
