Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating that today. Anyway...wow, it's been a while since I've done one of these, huh? Well, let's get to it!
Wrong holiday, but whatever. |
An outfit that I put together for a contest held by Hannah on Miiverse. The room is hers as well, it was specifically for the contest. This may or may not have been the outfit I actually entered, I don't remember. |
A very spring-y babydoll outfit. |
Bikini time! |
This was for another contest. The prompt was 'an outfit to wear on your friend's special day'. I assumed wedding, though some of the other people interpreted it differently. This is actually a rather appropriate time to post this, since my best friend just got engaged. |
Man, I miss the sausage curls. |
Minty fresh. |
I love this dress. |
I miss Maple Crescent. |
With hair as fabulous as this, you can definitely trust me with yours ;) |
*sneezes adorably* |
I still find it funny that the flowers at The Meadows change colors at night. |
This look reminds me of Rainbow for some reason. |
Snow leopard. |
I miss the ice cream tights, they were always fun to design. |
simple & pink |
A summer-y sailor outfit. |
True blue femininity. |
Probably one of my nicer psychedelic outfits. |
I miss the rose garden too. |
It will never not amuse me that the cat ears fall under the rock image. |
More bikini time! |
Summerwear. |
Girly pastels. |
I hope we get more masks in the next game. |
An outfit put together for a contest held by Mel. |
Ending on a personal favorite of mine. |
That's all for now!
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