Friday, September 13, 2019

Miscellaneous Miraland

I...guess this is what I'm gonna call these posts? I dunno, I'm bad at this. That's why I use generic titles for most of my posts. Anyway, let's just get to it!
Starting off with something lolita. What a shock, I know.
I haven't used it enough, but this hair is SUPER cute. Also, I love pairing this make-up with the pocky box.
Cute winter bunny. I love these balloons!
Trying to work with some items I'm not huge on. I figured I'd balance them out with my favorite backdrop and a snow leopard.
I finally got around to using this dress.
Mori girl.
A nice elegant look. I really like this one! Also, I got this backdrop recently and it's become one of my favorites. Expect to see a lot of it.
Another cute winter look. This butterfly hairclip is one of my favorite accessories.
Tried to build a look around this dress and it honestly turned out better than I expected it to.
I really like this look. I should definitely re-take this picture with a better backdrop at some point.
I really need to do this kind of punk-y look more often.
A cute casual look.
Seasonally appropriate.
I thought these tights would work really well with this dress and they do! It's pretty much the only thing I have that they work with, in fact.
I think this one turned out super pretty. Not just the outfit, but the whole picture. I just wish there was a way to get rid of the back button.
I really love this dress and this hair. They're both super pretty! And they work really well together too.

That's all for now!

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