Friday, October 12, 2018

Dream Address

I've finally had the time to get back to Animal Crossing and get the Dream Suit finished, so here's my dream address finally.
Don't expect too much, my town's just a big mess of trees and flowers. It's not even a town, really, it's more of a forest. A very small forest. And no, I'm not ever going to remove the groucho glasses.

My original plan for this post was to also show you around my town (and houses), You'll just have to come see it for yourself if you want to. I definitely will do some town tours at some point though, but not today.

Oh, also, Shampoodle just opened up and I gave Levy and Kiki some new 'dos.
...of course, with a hat on, this style looks exactly the same as the default one. I really just wanted to change the color anyway, so it works out.
Kiki has reached a new level of adorable.

That's all for now! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You uploaded a dream address! I'm going to visit it straight away! Love the outfit that Kiki has on in the last picture.
