You guys are long overdue for a pet update. With that said, though, I've taken so many pictures that a single update would end up being absurdly long, so I'm splitting it in two. Honestly, even split in two they're still gonna be super long. Anyway, cat update first, so let's go!
So...unfortunately I am going to have to open this post with some bad news. My grumpy old lady, Chloe, passed away last week. The good news (if you can call it that) is that she died peacefully of old age and didn't suffer at all. She just went to sleep and then didn't wake up. The rest of this post will be happier, I promise, but first let's take a moment to honor Miss Grump.
She was always at her cutest while sleeping. |
Begging for scraps. |
This is probably my favorite picture of her, haha. |
This one is great too. |
Her usual state of being, generally unimpressed with...well, everything. |
This is probably the cutest picture I have of her. |
Definitely begging for scraps. |
In a rare cuddly mood. |
I'll miss you, you grump. |
Alright, now on to the happy portion of this post! So one day a few weeks ago one of my friend's cats, Mkali, got out. She was out for a few hours and when she came back she brought a little present with her.
A very cute present. |
Meanwhile, Glitter wasn't impressed. |
It looked like the kitten was a stray who'd been abandoned by her mom, and they were planning to take her in, but then it turned out that while she was a stray, she'd actually just gotten separated from her family, and her mom accepted her back just fine. And that's how my friend ended up with a whole family of cats living on her patio.
They decided to name her Fuli. |
Isn't she the most precious little thing you've ever seen? |
Mid-sneeze. |
The tiniest little toe beans. |
Mama kitty, after retrieving her baby and deciding that she didn't want to leave. |
Fuli with her brother and sister. |
I'm not sure what they've decided to name the others. |
They're all very happy with this arrangement. |
I don't have any pictures of Mkali, unfortunately, but here's another picture of Glitter being unimpressed. |
Speaking of cats that aren't mine, meet Luna!
Don't tell Sketch and Pumpkin, but she's my favorite. |
I know I've talked about my dad and his girlfriend's cats before at least a little bit, but I don't think I've ever talked about Luna. Well, let's change that! Luna's an absolute sweetheart, but she's also
very skittish and shy. The reason I wanted to talk about her today is because she's finally warmed up to me! It only took two years. Yeah, so normally I'd be lucky if I even got to see her while at their house, but the last couple of times I've visited she's been all over me. I dunno what caused this sudden development, but I'm really happy about it.
Luna's the kind of cat who will drink any water she finds lying around. Which is why she's not allowed in the room when my dad's girlfriend paints, haha. |
Not usually a flattering angle, but Luney makes it work. |
The cat plants are doing well this year. |
I love her. |
I love her little white toesies. |
If they're not careful I'm gonna steal her one of these days. |
Now, I don't have any recent pictures of Pumpkin, but I do have a bunch of pictures of Sketch, so here you go.
What a handsome boy. |
Sketchy likes getting cozy under blankets. |
"Maybe if I'm cute they'll give me some of this food." |
This is probably my favorite picture of him. |
Sketch tries to act tough, but he's actually just a big baby. |
Definitely his most flattering picture. |
I love his fish bed, haha. |
He's kind of a food thief. |
In fact, he's kind of a thief in general. |
As expected, he gets away with it by being adorable. |
Wow, so fashionable. |
I think they were trying to send a message here, but I'm not sure what :P |
This seems like a good one to end on, haha. |
Yeah, I wasn't kidding about having a lot of pictures of him. He's a very photogenic cat. Anyway, this post is getting super long, and we haven't even gotten to Ben yet! So let's not waste any more time and get to the kitty that you probably came here to see.
My big baby. |
Wow, nice pose. |
Maintaining the pose. |
Slightly blurry. |
He loves moving right at the last second. |
This is the "alright, stop taking pictures of me" face. |
Laying in his box, as always. |
He loves this box so much. |
Look at this fucking pillow hog. |
I shoved him off the bed and within three minutes he was back, "subtly" trying to shove my head off of the pillow. Ben, you have your own pillow! |
The return of the "why are you taking pictures of me" face. |
Happy and cozy. |
Such a happy kitty. |
I'm not allowed to get out of bed until Ben gets his cuddles. |
I took so many pictures of Ben on this particular day. 90% of them got deleted because they were too blurry. |
Actually sleeping on HIS pillow for once instead of mine. |
"Stop taking my picture, I'm trying to sleep." |
My biggest fan. |
No matter what, at least I always know that Ben loves me. |
Ben is the only cat I've ever known that not only tolerates being held like this, but actually loves it. |
What a dork. |
Also, please ignore my bedhead. |
I don't know why he loves this specific box so much, but it's the only one he ever lays in. |
His favorite part of the day. |
I came into my room the other day and found him sitting like this and I thought it was really funny for some reason. |
"Is it my turn to use the computer now?" |
He always sleeps in the cutest way possible. |
See? |
I think I actually hit the picture limit, haha. Anyway, that's all for now! You can expect a bunny update, uh...sometime before the end of summer.
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