I told you you'd be getting these fairly often.
So, a quick explanation for anyone that doesn't play Love Nikki. The game has certain items that are meant to go together and form full outfits. They're called suits for some reason? And you get prizes for completing them. So I'm gonna do posts here and there just showing which suits I've completed so far. So let's get started!
Youth Storm. This is one of those suits where I think the individual pieces are nice, but not necessarily together. |
Fairy Tale Cutie. I'm usually not a fan of this color scheme, but I actually quite like it here. Also, I wonder why this suit doesn't use Bobo's actual hairstyle? I'm not complaining, though, I actually like this style better. |
Dreampath for Travelers. I don't know why I chose this make-up to go with this suit...anyway, this suit's adorable and I love it. |
Chocolate Story. One of the first suits I completed, which I'm sure surprises absolutely no one. What can I say? It's cute. And you guys know how much I love these little capes. |
Cinnabar Cloud. |
Bunny Girl. I'm definitely using this one for a Mikuru cosplay once I get the right hair. |
Rose Romance. So pretty! |
Mrs. Sylvia. I feel like this suit had the potential to be nice, but between the dress being posed by default and the hair not being placed correctly on the doll, it's a bit of a failure. I do love the flower crown, though. |
Wonderful Holidays. I've got a couple of different swimsuits at this point, but I think I like this one the most. |
Cowboy Style. |
Shopping. |
Sugar Cheerleader. I'm not necessarily a fan of cheerleader outfits in general, but this one is really cute! I wish it came with a pose, though. |
Blessed Bark. First of all, amazing name. Aside from that, I'm not really a fan of the hair, but otherwise this suit is adorable. And the arm pose with the puppy? A+ |
Raspberry Pink Rock. This is a fun one! The hair especially. |
Fiery Front. My first North suit! I was glad that we got this event when we did, it saved me the time and effort of crafting some North stuff in order to progress the story. I quite like this suit too, and the other one from this event as well. |
Pure Lotus. This one is really beautiful. |
Innocent Grey Bunny. Cute bunny outfit? For free? YES. And speaking of bunny outfits and cosplay, this hair would be perfect for a Tamako cosplay... |
Song of Divinity. The only minor suit from Art of War that I finished and I'm SO glad it was this one. Look at how adorable it is! And the colors... |
Higanbana Princess. Now that I've finally completed it, I actually like this one more than I thought I would. |
Miss Puff. Apparently a lot of people think this suit is ugly? But I think it's really cute. |
That's all for now!
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