Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Palette Swap Challenge Part Two

I figured it was about time to get back to this challenge.

First up, a gothic look.
This was actually the first one I put together, before I decided to make this into a challenge.
The gothic and lively outfits always seemed to turn out the best by far.
A very simple feminine look.
I thought this dress/shoe combo would be good, and in black and white it is, but the other colors didn't work out quite as well.
Next up, an eastern look.
I actually quite like how this set turned out.
A very glitzy chic look.
I'm quite pleased with this one as well.
Next up, a preppy look.
A finishing off with a rock look.
I really wish I'd gone with a different shirt for this set.

That's all for now!

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