Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Miscellaneous Style

I definitely did NOT get distracted and completely forget to post stuff for two weeks. Nope, that didn't happen and you can't prove anything >.>; er, anyway, it's been far too long since I've posted any Trendsetters stuff, so let's not waste any more time!
First up, a babydoll princess outfit.
By far one of my favorite looks from Trendsetters.
I'll never stop loving this smug face.
I really like this lemon-y pastel version of this dress. Why'd they swap it out for a much uglier yellow in the later games?
Next up, a feminine look.
I really hope they bring back the side buns in the next game, I miss them.
Trendsetters really had some great backdrops.
I enjoy this pose too much.
Anyway, last but not least, a girly look.
This is another favorite of mine.
There's something about this shoe/sock combo that I really like.
Another pose that I like too much.

Alright, that's all for now!


  1. Photos from Trendsetters makes me feel so nostalgic! They look so different compared to the newer games and the shading on items feels so different. Love the first Baby-Doll themed outfit :)

    1. Yeah, I kinda like that each game has it's own distinct style. It keeps things interesting.

      Thanks, I like that one a lot too :)
