I've had a shitty day and haven't really slept, so I didn't really feel up to putting together a proper post today, but I wanted to at least make sure the Shopdo update got up (barely) in time, so I'm just gonna put it up on its own today. With a little bonus.
I've updated my shop's exterior as well as its interior this week. |
I took nspiration from both Shira and Marzi this week. |
Now, I did something a little different with my outfits today. Usually I like to do a goth/babydoll outfit, a cosplay (if possible) and then something else, but this week I wanted to play around with the hair accessories that Rosie, Alina, and Yolanda like from Purple Moon. I thought they would all work really well in lolita outfits, so that's what I went with.
Outfit #1. |
Outfit #2. |
Outfit #3. You can see I took the laziest route with the names here lol |
And now for the little bonus!
I made Hannah over to also match the shop's new interior. |
And then we did a little photoshoot together. |
It's worth noting that this shop interior is also a work in progress. I wanna change the floor and maybe a few other things...and I wanna add a table in between the couches, with some stuff on it... |
...aaaanyway, that's it for the photoshoot. |
That's all for today. I'll try and get a proper post up tomorrow if I can. Oh, but one last thing before I go: some of my grandparent's sheep have given birth! They now have three lambs, the only good thing that came out of today. I'd post pictures, but I'm still having issues with my phone...
Shitty days suck. I hope you're feeling better now!
ReplyDeleteI'm also working on a baby doll themed boutique...and it's also focused on blues and pinks...<_>
I'm totally regretting not buying at least two of each display shelf/table, because I came to the realization that I need matching shelves/tables. I probably have to go through all the seasons a second time to pick up the furniture, lol.
Awww, lambs! I hope we get to see them soon.
Eternally late on replying to comments...
DeleteYeah, I'm doing better now! It was just the one day, really. And honestly, I've been so obscenely happy since I got Mimi that I was probably due for a shitty day, haha.
Hahaha, apparently that's just the color scheme to use. I look forward to seeing yours :) and yeah, I always make sure to buy certain items in twos. You're probably still better off than me, though. I just keep spending all of my money on clothes and forgetting that the furniture is even a thing >.>;
I hope so too! I can't post any pictures right now, but I can tell you about them, since I went over to visit on saturday. There's three currently (and at least two more on the way) and they're all boys so far. Two of them have been named, Tiny (ironically the biggest of the three) and Socks, and the third is undecided, but apparently my nephew wants to name him Bread lol
Tiny's my favorite, he's the friendliest and the most playful. Socks is the smallest and the most shy, and Bread (lol) is a big jealousface, haha. He didn't like us paying attention to Socks and insisted that it be his turn.
They said they don't want any more boys, and aren't intending on keeping any of the lambs except for maybe one girl (assuming they even get any) but I'm trying to talk them into keeping Tiny.
I still haven't found any cafe chairs or tables! I'm starting to think they don't exist in this game, which is a shame as I loved making cafes and such in Fashion Forward with all the signs and menus and everything. I had a bakery room that I was pretty fond of.
DeleteAwww, it's just adorable that each of them have their own personalities. Bread sounds like he just wants to spoiled lol. It must be great being able to hang out with large animals like that regularly!
Sorry to jump in on the conversation, but quite a few items were removed such as the signs. I haven't not seen them at all and I have all the miniatures.
DeleteYeah, it's unfortunate that that stuff was taken out. The rooms in Fashion Forward were so tiny, it would've been nice to be able to make cafes in a bigger room.
DeleteYeah, it's surprising how fast they develop their own personalities! They were only two or three days old at the time. As for Bread...I think it's less that he wanted attention and more that he just didn't want his brother getting attention, haha. I wouldn't say I get to regularly hang out with the sheep, though. They usually won't let me get anywhere near them...occasionally one of the boys will let me pet them, but typically that's about it. Only reason I get to pet the babies is because I go over when they're still small enough to be picked up, haha. Mostly I just get molested by the dogs when I'm over there :P
Oh! But since we're talking about the sheep—Nutmeg had triplets yesterday! So, six lambs now and at least one more on the way, since there's still one sheep that hasn't given birth yet. And I never figured out what was wrong with my phone, but it randomly fixed itself this morning, so I can get my pictures off of it now, which means you can expect an animal update in the next week or so :D
Final lamb update: Dot had twin girls earlier today. So eight lambs in total! Five boys, three girls. I'm going over for another visit in the morning :)
DeleteHope your day (and week) got better ❤❤❤
ReplyDeleteLove the look of your boutique! Thanks for taking some inspiration from my posts
It did! Saturday was especially nice, I got to go visit the lambs and hang out with my best friend, who I don't get to see often enough. And I got to introduce my friend to Pizza Time, which is always a magical experience :P
DeleteThanks! I love your posts and take quite a bit of inspiration from them, actually :)
Yay! Glad to hear it got better :) Pizza time? Sounds interesting haha. Is it unlimited pizza because we have that at Pizza Hut here and it's amazing!!!
DeleteAw thank you! I got some inspiration from your recent challenge
No, it's a...a wonder of the internet. You probably don't wanna know, haha.
DeleteAwww, that's nice to hear :)
Haha I shall avoid it then. There's some strange things on the interwebs.
DeleteThe internet is a wonderful and disturbing place ;)
DeleteI'm just here for the Shiba Inu and cat videos haha.
DeleteI definitely didn't spend most of the night watching ferret videos >.>;
DeleteFerrets are hilarious. Once I was at an animal expo and there was a kiddie pool filled with bean bag beans. At first I couldn't figure out why and then a little ferret popped his head out of it. It was so adorable!!
DeleteFerrets are the best! Goofiest little critters :3
DeleteThe most appropriately named pet I've ever owned was Trouble the ferret. Little brat was a master escape artist. But of course, they're too cute to be mad at, no matter how much havoc they wreak.
Also, did you know that a group of ferrets is called a business? Because that's as hilarious as it is adorable and I love it.
Yes I had heard of that group term. It's rather fitting haha. I rarely see ferrets here apart from at shows and expos as it's illegal to own ferrets in some parts of Australia.
DeleteI love the mental image of a business of ferrets. It'd be the least productive business ever. They'd all just be busy stealing each other's pens instead of getting any work done, haha.
DeleteThat's unfortunate! I'm very glad it's legal to own them here, because while they can be a pain sometimes, they're such fun pets to own.
It's only illegal in some states to protect Australia's native fauna (animals) and flora because our ecosystem is delicate and damaged from things the Europeans brought over years ago when settlement happened. It's not illegal to own them in my state so that's why you see them at shows here. Hamsters are also illegal in Australia.
DeleteWell yeah, I'd assume there's a good reason for it.
DeleteNot sure of the hamster reasons, but probably have something to do with the ecosystem. Gotta keep all those dangerous animals alive haha.
DeleteAh, yes. Australia, the place where everything is huge and venomous, but hamsters and ferrets are the true threat :P