Happy Easter! It's the first of the month, so that means I've put a new room up for download.
This month's room. |
Continuing on from
last month, I've got another fruit dress for you. This time it's a grape dress! I didn't just copy the Purple Moon dresses, I swear >.>;
The grape dress in all its glory. |
However, since there is a Purple Moon grape dress, I'm having Luna wear it for the month. |
So if you decide to visit at all this month, you'll be greeted by this cutie. |
Now, since it's Easter, I wanted to post some new pictures of
Mimi...but I can't because I'm having issues with my phone. But I'm not about to leave you hanging, so have some other Easter-y pictures instead!
This is the last bunny we owned. He was technically my brother's rabbit, which is why he ended up with the very unfortunate name of 'Anthrax'. A name which my brother ended up regretting every time he had to call the vet and repeatedly explain "No, he doesn't HAVE anthrax, his NAME is Anthrax." Anyway, despite his name and his tendency to hump everything in sight, he really was a very sweet bun. |
And here's my grandma's bun! Who, unlike poor Anthrax, has ended up with the amazing name 'Popcorn'. This picture honestly doesn't do her justice, she's the cutest little ball of fluff I've ever seen. I'm in the process of trying to set up a bunny playdate for her and Mimi. |
Have I mentioned that my (other) grandparents live on a farm with sheep? Because they do, and the last two years they've decided to breed their sheep. This year's lambs haven't been born yet, but here's a picture of two of last year's lambs. |
...aaaand it's not new, but this is still my favorite picture of Mimi, so I'm including it anyway. |
That's all for now!
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