Monday, May 28, 2018

Miscellaneous Style

It had been a while since I'd done a Fashion Forward post, but it's been even longer since I've done a Trendsetters one. So let's get to that now!
So here's outfit #1 for the day.
It's a chic outfit.
I should really wear chic stuff more often.
I'm quite happy with this one over all, though if I ever decide to bring it back at some point I'll probably leave out the necklace.
Now onto the next one!
Here's outfit #2.
A bold look this time.
A pretty simple look, I've probably worn outfits similar to this one quite a few times before.
I like it, though. Red and black is always a great color scheme.
Moving on...
The third and last outfit for today.
Back to the monochrome color scheme for a feminine outfit.
These cardigans are pretty cute, but I never really use them.
The obligatory "crap, what did I just step in" pose to show off my shoes.

And that's all for today!


  1. Nice outfits! I have a big meaty Trendsetters post lined up for this weekend actually.

    They really need to let us tilt the camera manually when taking pictures. Would definitely bring out the inner photographer in all of us, haha.

    1. Thanks! Your Trendsetters post was fun, I'm looking forward to part two :)

      That would be great, yeah. The one thing I really don't like about Styling Star's photo studio is the complete lack of camera tilting. They gave us complete control over our zoom this time, so hopefully net time it'll be camera angles!
