Monday, May 21, 2018

Outfit Of The Day

No challenge today, just a regular post.
Today's outfit.
A rare boho-chic outfit from me.
You may recognize this outfit, since I've put it up on my Shopdo before. Or a similar one, at least.
I'm not the biggest fan of Soy, but it's got some great new items.
Finally getting some use out of the boho-chic nails. These are the 'Aladdin' ones.

Alright, that's it for now.


  1. Soy does have some good items!
    I did the same outfit for Rabz, except with the top being white, and the shoes being a light brown, and without the hairpiece and bracelets.

    1. Yeah, all of Soy's new stuff is really great! Though my favorite items from them will always be those beautiful butterfly dresses.

      Ooh, I hope you post pictures of Rabz in that outfit. I bet she looked lovely :)
