Sorry that I kinda disappeared for a bit, I've been busy dealing with some medical stuff x.x yay me. I've really been wanting to get back to blogging, though, so here we are. I'll get around to finally replying to comments in the next few days, along with hopefully getting up a few more posts, but first, it's time for me to update some things I've been neglecting.
First up is my Caprice Chalet room. Normally I'd update it on the first of the month, so it's quite late ^_^' but I wanted to update it this month regardless.
The new room. |
This month's fruit dress. This time it's a pineapple dress. It's actually my least favorite of the bunch, which is why I decided it'd been this month's dress. |
I've brought back one of my favorite lively outfits for Luna to greet any visitors in. |
Next up, Shopdo and Design Centre. It's been a while since I've put up any cosplay on Shopdo, so I wanted to do a full set of cosplay this week. I was inspired by
Iriye's lovely cosplay of
Diana from
Zero Time Dilemma, so I decided to go with a
Zero Escape theme.
I've finally made my boutique into a flower shop like I said I wanted to forever ago. |
And I've given my lovely assistant a green, flowery makeover to go with it. |
Alice, on the other hand, has been given a nice wintery makeover, because I'M NOT READY FOR IT TO BE SUMMER YET. |
Now on to the cosplay...outfit #1 is Clover from 999, who I've actually cosplayed before. It's a shame that you can't actually wear the headphones on your head, and that there aren't any white ones. |
Now that we're done with Shopdo, it's time for the Design Centre update, because I went on another of my designing sprees the other night.
Playing around with pastels again. |
Simple, but pretty. |
I really wish there was more to do with the bags. I feel like they all come out looking kinda same-y. |
I'm very happy with these shoes, I'll probably get quite a bit of use out of them. |
Now for some more stage costumes, of course. Named it after an iDOLM@STER song. |
Also named after an iDOLM@STER song. I dunno why I keep making all-blue stage costumes. |
You'll never guess where the name for this one came from. Anyway, this one is my favorite. I'm super happy with how it turned out. |
One last thing before I go. So, my sister-in-law is an artist and she tends to go through these phases where she gets really into making something specific, makes a ton of it, and then foists them all off on anyone that'll take them. Right now it's stickers and she gave me this really lovely
Lapras one that I wanted to share.
She gave it to me because she knows I'll take anything Pokemon, haha. |
Anyway, that's all for now!
Hey, glad to see you're back! Hope you're feeling better.
ReplyDeleteGreat job on all the cosplay outfits! I wish we had belts as separate items, it would help a lot. Also really loving the stuff you designed, I'll have to pick up the pastel one for baby doll purposes and the colours on Colourful Days are just fantastic!
I haven't been updating my main blog much either due to a busy week, and I really don't know how I'm going to keep up with posts on the main blog and on Tumblr since I'm starting a new job at the end of the month. X_X I find it's easier to make smaller photo posts on Tumblr so I might just stick with that until I can get a feel for my new schedule.
I'm glad to be back! I'm still my best, but I'm getting there.
DeleteThanks! I'm glad you like them all. I look forward to seeing what you do with the pastel dress. And yeah, having belts (and ties) as separate items would be great. I was definitely thinking that while putting together the Akane cosplay, haha.
Yeah, posting on Tumblr is definitely quicker and easier. It's why I post more often there than here.
Happy to see you back and posting! Hope you are feeling better ❤❤
ReplyDeleteLove your comment about not wanting it to be summer. You wanna trade, it's absolutely freezing here and it's only Autumn. I'd rather it be summer again, I miss the warm weather.
I quite like your last outfit called Colorful Days!
I'm happy to be back! I'm still not feeling amazing, but I'm definitely feeling better than before.
DeleteI was going to ask if we could switch countries for a bit, but then I remembered that you guys have giant spiders. I guess I can deal with the heat, haha.
Thanks! Colorful Days seems to be quite popular. I'm not surprised, though, I thought it turned out really well.
That's good to hear your feeling even a little bit better :)
DeleteAustralia's pretty cool and I think the koalas make up for the giant spiders. I have a koala living next door to my house and he's pretty chill expect sometimes at 1am when he is yelling.
The design options are so lackluster in Styling Star, so it always amazing to find a great combination like that one
You have a koala for a neighbor? That's so cool! All we have around here are cats. Lots and lots of cats. They drive Ben crazy with their late night visits, haha.
DeleteYeah, they added the stage costumes, which are really cool, but they took away so many options for some reason. Kinda goes back to that whole 'one step forward, one step back' thing we talked about before.
Yes I do! I'll post a picture of him one day on my blog, he's lived there for a few years now. We get snakes, koalas, owls, a billion birds and sometimes kangaroos where I live. And once at school, a kangaroo broke into the grounds and just hopped around the oval. Sounds so cliche for Australia but it happens.
DeleteThe stage costumes are nice, but get boring after designing them for the 10th time. Yep, I feel the Style Boutique games are very one step forward, one step back. Sometimes even two steps back!
Please do! I'd love to see him. Haha, that does sound very stereotypicaly Australian, but it also sounds really cool! Though I could do without the snakes...the most interesting thing we've got here is the woodpecker that recently moved into one of the trees lining our driveway. He likes to peck at his tree only when people are standing under it. Keeps scaring the crap out of everyone, haha.
DeleteTrue, but you could say that about any of the designer items, really.
Yeah, but hey, at least they're still better than a lot of games in that regard. I'm looking at you, Pokemon...
I posted a photo of the Koala in my recent May Favourites & Blog Update post, so check it out there! I'm not too fond of snakes either, I saw one that was like 2 metres near our house once and I never went outside for ages afterwards.
DeleteAww I've always wanted to see a Woodpecker, they seem really cute.
Ah, I must've missed that one. I'll go check it out :) if I ever manage to get a picture of Mr. Woodpecker, I'll make sure to post it for you! Though I doubt I ever will. I still haven't even seen him, just heard him.