Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lolita Challenge

I've already done some other people's challenges (and there's more on the way), but it's about time for me to put out one of my own! I'm sure everyone knows by now that I'm a big fan of the lolita style, and since the style has so many different sub-styles, I thought that would make for a fun challenge. And it was! For me, at least. I actually had waaaay too much fun with it, haha. You'll see that later, though. For now I'm just putting up the challenge itself. And here it is:

1. Classic Lolita
2. Gothic Lolita
3. Sweet Lolita
4. Sailor Lolita
5. Casual Lolita
6. Punk Lolita
7. Qi Lolita
8. Country Lolita
9. Ouji Style
10. Pirate Lolita

So, those are the prompts for this challenge! I had to finish with my favorite, haha. Also, I know that ouji/kodona isn't technically a style of lolita, but it's close enough and I wanted to include it, any rate, I had fun with this challenge and I hope other people do too!

Outfit Of The Day

My challenge will be up later today, but first, here's a regular post.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Miscellaneous Style

It had been a while since I'd done a Fashion Forward post, but it's been even longer since I've done a Trendsetters one. So let's get to that now!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Outfit Of The Day

I'm getting back into the swing of things pretty well, I think.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Miscellaneous Style

It's been a while, so I figured it was about time for another Fashion Forward post.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Outfit Of The Day

No challenge today, just a regular post.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

30 Day Challenge Part 1

Alright, time to finally get around to doing Marzipanini's 30 Day Challenge. I'll be splitting this post in half because otherwise it would get obscenely long. I've waited long enough to get this posted, so let's just get started!

Friday, May 18, 2018

I'm back! + updates

Sorry that I kinda disappeared for a bit, I've been busy dealing with some medical stuff x.x yay me. I've really been wanting to get back to blogging, though, so here we are. I'll get around to finally replying to comments in the next few days, along with hopefully getting up a few more posts, but first, it's time for me to update some things I've been neglecting.

First up is my Caprice Chalet room. Normally I'd update it on the first of the month, so it's quite late ^_^' but I wanted to update it this month regardless.
The new room.