Monday, March 12, 2018


I got my bunny on saturday! So today I thought I'd show her off. Especially since I've already taken way too many pictures of her.
This is the most important post.
So this is my new baby.
Her (tentative) name is Mimi.
She's a year old and a tiny little thing.
She's still pretty timid and getting used to things, but she's a total sweetheart.
She's a real cuddler, which is perfect, because there's nothing I love more than cuddling with animals.
All in all, I'm 100% in love with her, she's so perfect *_*
10/10 would bunny again
I knew it right away, too.
As soon as she was handed to me I was like "yup, this is it, this is my bunny"
The other baby is dealing with it better than I expected.
I mean, he's very jealous, but aside from that, he doesn't seem to mind her at all. That's a relief!
I'd like it if he stopped trying to steal her hay, though. 
I don't think he realizes that cats are supposed to be carnivores.
So, um...she's really sweet and adorable and I love her. There really isn't much else to say yet, though.
My favorite picture.
She tried to climb inside my hood.
Then she realized she couldn't get all the way in and decided to just sit like this.
In her little hay house.
Now for some pictures that my friend took. This was when she was first handed to me and I immediately fell in love.
She's not sure how to feel yet about her new home as a whole...
...but she's definitely decided that she likes my lap.
This one makes me laugh.

Can you believe that's not even all of the pictures? I actually left some out and yet there's still so many...I have a problem. So, uh...yeah, I'm a very happy camper right now. That's an understatement, even.

Also, apparently now is the time for everyone to be getting new pets, because my dad just got a kitten.
Of course I have to share pictures of her too!
Her name is Pumpkin. I mean, personally, I would've gone with Kisa, but Pumpkin is cute too.
I'll be going over to meet this little cutie pie this weekend.

That's all for now!


  1. This is Kiwii
    Your bunny's a cutie, no doubt!

  2. Replies
    1. I'm very happy to have one around again, I've missed it :)

      And she's such a cutie too!

  3. So adorable! I love those random perfect little spots on her upper body!
    And excuse me while I go hnnngh over Pumpkin for a bit...*w*
