Saturday, August 18, 2018

Modelling Jobs

I was going through my pictures and realized that I have a ton (like, a couple hundred) from the various modelling jobs in Fashion Forward and I've never posted any. Guess I'd better get on that, huh? Strap in, this is gonna be a long one!
I love the teddy bear shoot.
Another picture from the teddy bear shoot.
Also, I'm annoyed that they messed up how this hairstyle looks with hoodies in Styling Star. It's a super cute combo in this game.
This flower crown/yukata combo is pretty damn cute, I'd say.
A boho-chic look for the easter shoot.
And again!
A suitably pink outfit for cherry blossom viewing.
I'm disappointed that this frame didn't make it into Styling Star.
Pretty as a flower.
I'm not really sure why I went with this outfit for this shoot, but I love this dress, so whatever.
Adorably building sand castles.
Another favorite shoot of mine, purely because it involves ice cream.
I need to wear this look again sometime.
I went for a very orange look here since it was sunset. I'd say that was definitely a good idea!
Cutest cheerleader.
Getting some use out of one of my designs.
And another! This one would've been better during the day, though.
Mysterious ninja.
Tried something experimental with the make-up here. It looks nice in this picture, but not so much in the others.
I really hate this backdrop, haha.
I need to get more use out of these adorable tops from Marzipan Sky.
I kinda hope the next game adds umbrellas/parasols. That'd be especially nice for lolita outfits.
One of my favorite lively outfits!
I love this goldfish set from Kanokoi. Super cute.
Another mysterious beauty ;)
Don't mind me, just going out for a late night picnic.
I really hope they add actual bikini bottoms in the next game.
I'm still not sure why Raven Candle of all brands was chosen to get special christmas-themed items, but I'm not complaining. They're really cool.
And of course, the halloween stuff <3
A very Mario photoshoot.
I somehow ended up with two almost identical shots from this one. Whoops?
More bikinis!
Cowgirl chic.
Stylin' in the city.
A very pretty office lady.
This make-up set has a rather Snow White feel to it, but works surprisingly well with gothic outfits.
Man, I wear the panda hoodie too often, haha.

I told you this would be a long one! Anyway, that's all for now.

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