Friday, July 6, 2018

Outfit Of The Day

Late again...whoops?
Today's outfit.
This is an older one.
I bought the Rosalina dress from a lovely person on Shopdo and then decided to build an outfit around it.
These shoes from AZ-USA are really nice. The color especially.
I invited quite a few people over for this shoot, starting with Rosie!
April BonBon's representative, Bonnie.
I should copy this girl's outfit at some point.
Eliza's new look is super cute, but I kinda miss her old princely self.
Harue seems to have expanded her tastes since Fashion Forward. I approve!
Hannah! Always so cute <3

Now time for the weekly Shopdo update. I promise it won't be late next time.
I didn't have any interiors that went with this week's theme, so I just picked a random one.
I dressed Hannah up to match this week's outfit theme rather than my shop interior.
Outfit #1. It's bikini time!
Outfit #2. I mean, I had to do this theme at least once during the summer. I'll probably do it again in august.
Outfit #3. I still think it's weird that the game only has bikini tops, no bikini bottoms. Also, I can't say 'bikini bottom' without thinking of Spongebob...

That's all for now! It's actually starting to cool down now, so hopefully I'll be able to get a bunch of posts done before it gets too hot again. I'll try, at least.


  1. I like your outfit with the Rosalina dress, and I've happened to found the lovely person on Shopdo with the dress, on my latest shopdo post!

    Also, I like those shoes as well, even the solid black ones from Chorale.

    1. Thanks! It was quite a while ago that I bought the dress, so it's probably not the same person, but I'll have to go check out that post later today :)

      Yeah, they're nice, aren't they? These teal ones are my favorite, but they're all great.

  2. Love the Rosalina dress! I'm sad though that they only had one colour in Styling Star because I loved wearing the pink and purple versions in Fashion Forward.

    1. It is a shame, but honestly, I'm just glad I get to wear even one version of it in this game.
