Sunday, July 15, 2018

Hair Salon Fun

It's been quite some time since I've done one of these. Longer than I'd realized, actually. So I figured it was time for another one. Last time was Fashion Forward, so this time it'll be Styling Star.
One of my favorite customers, Harue. She was one of my favorites in Fashion Forward as well.
I've had a sudden influx of people coming in asking for buns recently.
Not totally sure this color works on her.
One of several people that I made over for a specific photoshoot.
Some pink hair for a lively customer.
A new style for the same girl, but keeping the color.
Jiamin, another of my favorite customers from Fashion Forward. She's ended up looking quite different in this game!
Not a hair color I'd normally go for, but she pulls it off!
This is one person who's probably never going to be allowed to change her hair. It looks too nice on her!
Hair to match her dress. You'd expect it to be the other way around, but nope!
Between the hair and the make-up, this is probably one of my most interesting looking customers.
I'm not really a fan of the bubble pigtails, so I don't normally go for them, but this girl manages to make them look pretty cute.
Right now it's buns, but for a while all anyone wanted was a ponytail.
Another person who wanted a ponytail. The hairstyle seemed a bit too boring for a psychedelic costumer, so I made sure the color was nice and bright to compensate.
Another girl who probably won't ever be allowed to change her hair.
What a cutie! I didn't expect this color to look as good on her as it does.
Some deep red locks for a chic costumer.
I'm sure we're all extremely familiar with Mina by now. I really liked her hair, so when she initially came in for a new outfit I made it match. I was really annoyed when she then insisted I give her a new 'do, haha. I still refuse to change the color(s).
This always seems like a good hairstyle for psychedelic costumers.
Much like that other girl up above, this isn't a color I'd normally go for, but this girl really pulls it off. In fact, I think this might actually be the same color.
I...did not expect this color to look good on her. Especially with the red make-up. Somehow it works, though?
So cute!
Experimenting with colors. I think it looks pretty nice.
I really like side ponytails.
I've had several rock girls come in asking for this hairstyle in pink, which I find interesting.
One of the few customers I've bothered to give a full make-over to. I don't usually bother with doing people's make-up.
Yeah, I'm...not sure this color works on her...
The characters amuse me sometimes with their choice of pose.
Another costumer I gave a full make-over to. She wanted to look like some actress. I'm not sure if I succeeded on that front, but she looks damn nice.
I think lively/psychedelic costumers are my favorites to serve at the hair salon. I feel like I can get away with crazier stuff with them.
Despite how this post makes in look, I really don't give people green hair very often. It looks really nice on this girl, though.
Harue again! I seem to be reluctant to change her hair color in this game.

That's all for now! I would've had this up yesterday, but I was dealing with some really bad cramps. And a splitting headache. That was fun. I'm feeling a lot better today, though!

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