Saturday, July 21, 2018

Outfit Of The Day

Man, it's like everything is trying to get in the way of me posting stuff lately. Sorry about that!
Today's outfit.
It's a basic one.
I wanted to get some more use out of these new long coats and skirts.
I like this outfit a lot, I think it turned out really nice.
Sorry that there's even less commentary in this post than usual. I'm kind of in a hurry to actually get it posted.

Now it's finally time for the weekly Shopdo update! It's late again, but at least I have a good excuse this time! I've been having all kinds of technical difficulties the last few days. It started with me losing my phone, and then my 3DS decided it didn't want to connect to the internet at all for a few days, and then my laptop charger suddenly died last night. This is why I have a complicated relationship with technology...

Anyway, all of the issues thankfully seem to have resolved themselves today. My phone has finally turned up, my 3DS decided to cooperate, and I went out and bought a new charger for my laptop. And bunny treats because the store that I went to for the charger happens to be right next to a pet store. Anyway, I'm finally able to get the update posted, so here it is!
I've finally brought back my pet shop interior.
Red panda Hannah.
Outfit #1. Went for an animal theme again this week for obvious reasons. This is an outfit I wore recently.
Outfit #2. I specifically decided to not use any Purple Moon stuff this week. I love the cat and bunny ears so much though, it was hard not using them, haha.
Outfit #3. This one was actually difficult to put together because AZ-USA has too many leopard print items. It can be hard to narrow it down.

Alright, that's all for now. Oh, but speaking of bunnies, I have news. My dad just got a new bunny! His name is Penguin and I'm going over to meet him tomorrow. I'll post pictures of him at some point.


  1. Happy to hear your phone turned up! Love all these Shopdo outfits. I was going to say the fish one, but then I decided I love them all!

    1. Yeah, I'm glad it turned up too, haha. I'm still not sure how it ended up where it was, though. Especially since I'd already checked there multiple times...anyway, thanks! I thought these outfits turned out especially nice too.

    2. It's funny how we try to find things but end up never seeing them in the most obvious places.

  2. I like that basic outfit! Looks like something a smart woman would wear.

    1. Thanks! It does have a very smart look to it, huh?
