Thursday, July 12, 2018

Lolita Challenge

It's finally here! I dunno why this took so long to get up, but I've made you wait long enough, so let's just get started!

1. Classic Lolita

These particular dresses from Raven Candle have a very classic lolita feel to them, I think. In terms of color scheme, I tend to associate classic lolita most with colors like brown and beige. So I used the brown version of this dress, and based the rest of the outfit around it. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this one. The blouse was a bad idea, and while I like the hairbow it doesn't seem very classic lolita.

So I made a second outfit! I stuck with the same dress, but switched to a different color. I was going to use the green one, but I wanted to use a headdress, and I didn't have one that matched, so I went with the red dress instead. This one turned out so much better, I think.

2. Gothic Lolita

So, uh...I wasn't kidding when I said that I had way too much fun with this challenge. So much fun, in fact, that I ended up making two or three outfits for each prompt! Hell, sometimes I had to stop myself from making more.

So for my first outfit here, I went with the classic black & white look. The outfit probably could've used just a touch less white, but I really like it how it is, honestly.

For the second outfit, I decided I wanted to use one of these new rose necklaces from Raven Candle, since I haven't gotten much use out of them yet. I picked my favorite one, and built the outfit around it. This one ended up being my favorite of the three, the black and gold color scheme ended up looking really regal.

For the last one, I wanted to put together an outfit that didn't have black as the main color, so I used this new dress/cape set to build a dark blue one. The one's probably the most boring of the three, but I still like it.

3. Sweet Lolita

Another three-fer!

These merry-go-round dresses from Marble Lily scream sweet lolita to me (or at least the light colored ones do) so of course I had to build my first outfit around one of them. I think I actually ended up recreating one of my outfits from Fashion Forward.

For the second outfit, I decided to use one of the chocolate dresses. I wanted to use one of the pastel ones, and since I'd already used the pink/purple one recently for a different outfit, I went with the blue/pink one. This one is cute, but a bit boring since I just kind of used a pre-made set.

For the last one I had two items that I really wanted to use: the bear dress, and the bunny bag. So I picked the ones that went best together and built the outfit around those. I also got to use those new striped thigh highs that I like so much!

4. Sailor Lolita

Now we're getting into the more different styles.

Sailor lolita is a style that I've done before. In fact, the first outfit is a variation of an outfit I've worn multiple times in the past. For the second outfit I went for a more traditional navy blue color scheme. Uh...there's really not much to say about these ones. They're nice looking, but pretty boring. I am planning on doing a second run of this, though, so when I do I'll be more creative with this style.

I apparently think berets go really well with this style.

5. Casual Lolita

So this one's kind of difficult, at least with what the game gives you to work with. I had a ton of fun experimenting with this style, though! It ended up being my favorite to do.

So for the first one I wanted to see if I could actually make one of the big poofy skirts work for this style, since you'd typically avoid those. I figured I'd have to make the rest of the outfit really casual to balance it out, which gave me an excuse to use one of the t-shirts from Marble Lily for once. I picked that first, actually, and built the outfit around it. I think I did pretty well? I like this one a lot, anyway.

For the second one I wanted to use either a cardigan or a hoodie, so I switched to a less poofy skirtl which is generally more in line with this style, anyway. I was going to use one of the Marble Lily ones, but then I saw this lacy pink one from Chorale and I just had to use it. I like this one, but it's probably my least favorite of the three. I wish I'd had a hoodie to use that was more similar in color to the skirt, because I can't help but feel those shades don't work very well together.

I still wanted to use a cardigan, so I put together a third one as well. I like Raven Candle's cardigans more than Marble Lily's, and since the first two outfits had been kinda sweet-casual, I decided to make the third gothic-casual. My goal here was something casual, but elegant, and to help achieve that look, I ended up using another skirt from Chorale. I'm really happy with how this one turned out as well!

6. Punk Lolita

Another fun one. Taking two already great styles and combining them? Hell yeah.

For the first one I wanted to use this layered skirt from StageDive, and while I was looking through my gothic/babydoll stuff I found one of the new tops from Purple Moon that looked like it would work. And of course, you should know at this point that I'll take any chance I can to use the striped arm warmers. I think this one turned out really cool, but I feel like it might be a little too punk, and not quite lolita enough.

I wanted to make sure that the second one was lolita enough, and luckily, I had the perfect dress. This red/black gingham dress is great, I use it a lot. More self indulgence here with the rose choker and the striped thigh highs, and of course, the arm warmers again...

I had fun with this one, and I really like how both outfits turned out. I'll definitely try to get more creative with the colors next time, though.

7. Qi Lolita

Petition for actual qi/wa lolita stuff in the next game.

Same basic process for both of these. Pick a chinese-style shirt, find a poofy skirt that goes with it, go from there. I tried to keep a relatively even mix of eastern and gothic/babydoll for both.

Not much else to say, really.

8. Country Lolita

I, um...apparently have a very specific idea of what country lolita is @_@ this was not intentional! I promise I'll definitely get more creative with this one next time.

I do think these all turned out nice, though. Particularly the first one.

9. Ouji Style

So ouji/kodona/whatever you wanna call it isn't technically lolita. It's more the lolita style's brother. Still, it's close enough, and I thought it'd be an interesting style to include here.

For the first outfit I wanted to stick with the royalty theme (ouji means prince, if you didn't know) so I went with a black/white/gold color scheme, since I find that tends to have a rather regal look to it.

With the second one I reluctantly gave in and used the bloomers as pants...which they're not, despite the game treating them as such. Anyway, I made up for it by using some of my favorite (gothic) items for the rest of the outfit.

For the third, I just couldn't resist using some of the Halloween items.

10. Pirate Lolita

That fact that this style exists still makes me happy. It's such a bizarre combination, I love it.

I mentioned back in my Raven Candle Brand Highlight that this particular dress and bolero (particularly together) have a very pirate lolita feel to me, so of course I used them for my first outfit. Rather than the pirate boots, I actually used the prince boots! They worked surprisingly well. I love this outfit, I think the only way I could've improved it would've been to include an eyepatch. Petition for eyepatches in the next Style Savvy? Actually, it's weird that the pirate outfit doesn't include an eyepatch...

Er, anyway. For the second one I wanted to use one of these new jackets from Raven Candle. It felt like an appropriate fit. So I picked the one that went best with one of the pirate hats, and went from there. I'm not super happy with the results, but hey, I tried.

I wanted to do a blue outfit as well, but I don't have the blue pirate hat, so I guess that can wait until next time.

And that's the end of the challenge!

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