Thursday, July 26, 2018

Outfit Of The Day

Hey, it's actually not late this week!
Today's outfit.
It's a girly/babydoll outfit that I put together for a customer...and then couldn't actually sell to her because it was too expensive.
So since I couldn't get her to wear it, I figured I'd wear it myself instead.
I really love this outfit. It ended up incredibly cute.
Not 100% sure that this eye make-up was a good idea.
Alice looking particularly adorable.
I took way too many pictures around town, haha.

And now for the weekly Shopdo update.
Hannah in her new outfit.
I've brought back my flower shop interior for this week.
Outfit #1. A floral theme this week to go with the shop interior.
Outfit #2. I love this shirt and these jeans as well.
Outfit #3. A cute girly look.

That's all for now! I had another post that I wanted to put up today, but the heat has fried my brain, so I don't think that's gonna happen. Oh well :/

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