Wednesday, October 18, 2017

A Festive Fashion Show

I don't do fashion shows super often, but I figured it was about time for another one. So of course I did a Halloween-themed one!

My outfit.

So, let's prepare for the show!

My first model- a character I'd never met before, which is a very rare occurrence at this point in the game. I made her into a mermaid.
And then Callie showed up to be my second model! So I gave her this nice festive bold/rock outfit.

And now that I've got my models, it's time to start the actual show!

Callie didn't show up, so instead I ended up with two mermaids as my models. I forgot to get a picture of the other one.
Strike a pose! The star of the show has arrived!
Please ignore my floating bow.
A somewhat awkward pose.
V for victory!
Yeah! Halloween is awesome!
My bow is trying to float away again, but that's okay, because I've got a nice new picture for the billboards now.

And with a final pose, the show is over. How did I score?

Well, the game's definitely right about my outfit being fun!
I think the cute score is quite accurate too.

And now the town has some new festive billboards!
A perfect way to spread my holiday cheer.

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