Monday, October 9, 2017

The Adventures of Bread Girl

I put together this bread/pastry themed outfit, and then had way too much fun with it. So let's check out The Adventures of Bread Girl!

Bread Girl in all her glory.

I love these croissant earrings, they're so cute.
Posing with the owl statue.
Posing in front of the boutique. Halloween's coming up, so I'm trying to sell as much Purple Moon as possible.
The colors of the outfit match the bell. Nice!
Ooh, look at that over there!
Bread Girl hasn't learned yet that pointing is rude.
Bread Girl showing off her donut necklace. I want a croissant or a sandwich?
The leaves on the trees are so red. Even the bushes are red for some reason.
I don't like coffee, but Bread Girl does.
Hey, I think I see a tuna fish! I want a tuna sandwich...
Bread Girl at...the subway. Ba-dum tsh.
Yeah, I'll leave.
The colors of Bread Girl's outfit also go well with the colors of the leaves.
Bread Girl and I might not agree about coffee, but we do agree that carousels are great!
Bread Girl being cute.
Bread Girl kawaii uguu desu
Bread Girl doesn't like these cone things, whatever they are.
Bread Girl doing a sassy pose.
Bread Girl riding the ferris wheel. She's thinking about banana bread.
And so am I.
Bread Girl admiring the leaves.
"Wow, how pretty!"
They sure are, Bread Girl. They sure are.
Sudden cat distraction!
A final close-up. Let's really appreciate those croissant earrings.
And the last shot! I don't know why she's trying to look cool in that outfit.

...I told you I went overboard.

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