Monday, October 23, 2017

The Little Details

Style Savvy Fashion Forward gives you many jobs to do, and one of those jobs is designing clothes. You can design stuff for your own personal use or you can collaborate with the game's many brands in order to make things that you can sell to your customers. Each brand has its own set of pieces that it might commission you to make. For example, Purple Moon will sometimes commission you to make a stage outfit for a pop group.

One stage outfit, ready to go!

So, a little while ago, I did this particular commission. Then, maybe a week or two later, I randomly wandered into the live music club and saw this:


Yup, if you do this commission, you might then get to see the group perform in the outfits you designed, at either the live music club or BunBun Funland. In fact, they might even specifically invite you to come see them perform, in which case, you'll actually be able to get a picture with them (and Eliza). Or maybe that's just something that happens the first time, I dunno. Either way, it's cool.

Like so.

It's just such a nice little detail- and a completely unnecessary one, too. I mean, I wouldn't expect to ever really get to see the groups I'm designing outfits for. They didn't have to add this in, but they chose to, and that's awesome! I just thought this was cool and wanted to take a moment to appreciate the nice little details in this game.

I actually took a bunch of pictures of the group on stage, so here's the whole set:

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