Thursday, June 7, 2018

404 Error: Alice Not Found: Assistant Edition.

Yes, I'm sticking with this naming scheme for these posts. Anyway, I love dressing up my lovely assistant Christina Hannah in cute outfits and taking pictures of her, so I figured it was about time to make a post about it.
First up, a comfy casual look.
Bright & lively!
Lots of items that I really like in this one.
I need to put Hannah in glasses more often, she looks super cute in them.
A cuticool look.
The shirt was used as the base for this outfit.
This is probably my least favorite outfit in this post, but I think it's still pretty nice.
Sometimes I just dress Hannah up for fun, but most of the time I dress her up to match my current shop interior.
So here's a girly floral look to go with my flower shop interior.
I dressed myself up in a similar outfit and took some pictures of the two of us together, but you'll see those in a later post.
One night I dressed her up in one of my designer sets just for fun.
She looks super cute, but I'm not really a fan of how her hairstyle looks with any type of headband. I had to put her in bunny ears at least once, though.
One of a couple different outfits that I gave her to go with this interior.
This one's a nice cute girly look.
I love this watermelon coat!
I thought Hannah would look nice in it, so I put together another cuticool outfit for her using it as the base.
Looking adorable in glasses again.
Cool & Casual
I tend to favor cuter stuff for Hannah, so it's kind of a treat whenever I put her in something like this.
I really like this hoodie dress.
Now for a (mostly) babydoll look.
This one was, of course, put together to match my current blue/pink interior.
It hadn't occured to me before to match this hat with this dress, but they work really well together!
Yet another cuticool look!
I mean, her favorite style is lively and her favorite brand is AZ-USA. It only seems fitting.
This was actually the first photoshoot I did with her.
Another outfit I put together to go with this particular shop interior.
Last time it was a sweet girly look, this time I went with something cooler.
These boots were the best fit, but they're not quite the right color, which bothers me...
I took some pictures with her when she was wearing this one as well, but again, those will be in a later post.
Last but not least, we've got another lively outfit.
This might actually be my favorite outfit that I've given her.
Though that might just be because it's the most recent.
I love these thigh highs and I feel they look particularly nice on Hannah.
In fact, I really like these colors on her in general.

That's all for now! Though I've just realized that I've got a bunch of comments that I've forgotten to reply to. Whoops? Well, I need to go to bed, but I'll try to get to that later today ^_^' along with maybe getting up another post.

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