Saturday, June 16, 2018

Outfit Of The Day

A second post for today because the other one was supposed to go up yesterday.
Today's outfit.
A bold look which you may recognize from a while ago.
It was through one of my visits to Kiwii that I learned that this hairstyle was changed.
In Fashion Forward it would disappear under your hat if you wore one. I like it a lot more now that it doesn't!
Gettin' sassy.
Now for some group pictures.
I took several with Hannah.
Cool ladies.
You know, my original plan was to pick a different assistant whenever I did a new game+, but I feel like I've gotten too attached to Hannah to replace her.
I also took some pictures with Janice, using a different backdrop.
It's still strange seeing Alice tower over people. I'm still so used to it being the other way around with tiny Luna.
I'm pretty sure I picked the middle height for both of them too, which makes it even weirder.
Helping out at the hair salon.

That's it for today!


  1. Do you have Animal crossing new leaf if you do what dream Address is call

    1. I actually just bought it a few days ago! I just started though, so I don't have a dream address yet. I'll let you know when I do, though!

    2. Cool what games did you get and you should do a 3ds Collection some day

    3. I also got Story of Seasons, Fire Emblem Echoes, and Miitopia. It was a pretty good deal, too. SoS was the only one that wasn't on sale. And that's not a bad idea! Maybe I will do that at some point :)

      I'll also definitely be doing posts about ACNL and Miitopia!

  2. How stylish! I've finally had time to go through and catch up on all your posts in detail. Love all the outfits you've been posting lately.

    1. Thanks! I'm quite fond of this outfit myself. I'm glad that you've been enjoying all of my posts lately :) I hope I continue to impress!

      This reminds me that I think I still need to post some comments/replies over on your blog...whoops? Uh, I guess I'll get to that in a minute...

    2. Yes I definitely have been enjoying your posts lately. I always check my reading list to see if anything new has been posted.

      I replied to all your comments and getting through these as well. I've just started a new job so I've been flat out recently with no time for blogging :(

    3. Glad to hear it! I'm sorry I haven't been posting that much recently.

      Yeah, I've been pretty busy too. Between that and the weather, it's been hard actually getting stuff written up lately. It's annoying because I really would like to post more often :/

      It's honestly amazing to me that you're able to manage three blogs. I can barely maintain one, haha!

    4. No problem, it's super easy for me to just check my reading list to see if you've posted. I've been setting aside some time on my days off to just write up a bunch of blog posts for my blogs and schedule them all so I remember to get them posted.

      Actually got some guides out this month amazingly! I try to plan out what guides I want to make or do ones that are less time consuming. I don't update the Fashion Forward one much at the moment as I've done so many guides for that one.
