Sunday, June 10, 2018

Showing Off Other People's Designs

Part one of a series of posts that I've been meaning to do for quite some time. You guys know that I love designing stuff, but I also really enjoy buying other people's designs. So let's show them off!

First up is this lovely pink dress made by Dinah.
I took the chance to use one of my favorite hats.
I also took the chance to use a hairstyle that I don't use very often.
Next is a stage costume designed by Tea.
I love the colors on this one.
Really lovely.
Next up, an outfit based around this adorable dress from Kiwii. I also used one of Kiwii's bags and some shoes by Aly.
I've gotten quite a bit of use out of this bag, actually. The boots that go with it, too.
Though the dress is the star here. It's so cute!
Another dress. This one was made by Bianca.
Orange isn't exactly my favorite color, but this dress is really lovely.
It also gave me an excuse to wear these hairclips, so that's nice.
Here's the star of this post!
This awesome Persona 5 set was made by Elsa, and it's super cool!
This set took forever to find, but it was totally worth it.
Something cute to balance out the coolness of the last one.
This cute kitty shirt was made by Sora.
Anything that gives me an excuse to wear cat ears is great.
Another t-shirt. This time it's Chen's shiny mimikyu shirt.
You should know by now how much I love Pokemon, so I was really excited to find a bunch of Pokemon-themed items that people had designed.
I also bought Chen's regular mimikyu shirt, but you'll see that one in a later post.
Next up is Nytitch's candy cane set.
The tights are from one of my designer sets.
This is probably my favorite outfit in this post.
A sweet and girly outfit to go with this next t-shirt.
This angel shirt from Masha is super cute!
I tried to make Alice look as sweet and angelic as possible to match.
Our final outfit for this post, featuring one of the first designs I bought.
This colorful Splatoon shirt from Kayla is really nice. It was one of the first items I came across on Design Centre and I just had to buy it.

That's all for now, but you can definitely expect more of these in the future!


  1. That angel shirt is too adorable!! ❤ ❤

    1. Isn't it? I'm definitely keeping that one, it's too cute to get rid of.

      A quick question- would you mind if I recreated some of your designs in my game at some point? I'd love to feature them in these posts, and since I can't buy them...I'd obviously still credit you, and include the Design Centre listing in the post like I'm doing with all of the others.

    2. Go right ahead! I don't mind you recreating my designs, I'm flattered that you think they're good enough to replicate! I'm hopeless at designing but I've been trying it out a lot lately.

    3. I don't think you're hopeless at it at all! All of your designs that I've seen have been lovely.
