Saturday, December 16, 2017

Girly Glitz

The theme of the day is girly, so I've got way too many a bunch of girly outfits for you here.
Frilly, pink, and flowery. About as girly as you can get.
Mixing styles a bit here, but it's still mostly girly, so it still counts. A lot of these outfits are like that. I like this one quite a bit.
Yellow Cutie
Hanging out at the meadows after a girly group event.
More purple and white.
Fall colors.
Black and pink, always a nice combination.
I wasn't even paying attention to styles when I put this one together (I was just playing around with colors) but it ended up being mostly girly anyway.
I put together a couple of different variations of this outfit before being satisfied with this one.
Return of the Minnie Mouse look.
White & Blue
The hat was the base for this outfit.
This was put together for a 'vintage' themed contest. I put together a couple of different outfits, but I don't remember which one I entered. I was trying to emulate the Epoque brand from the first game.
Purple and black...with red glasses. Not sure why I used those.
All pink! For a contest, I believe.
One of my favorites.
This one's actually more lively than girly, but I'm including it in this post anyway.
This top and skirt go together really well.
A very simple purple outfit.
Red & White
Gray with a touch of white.
Another outfit that I put together for that 'vintage' contest. I think this might've been the one I entered, actually. I'm pretty sure I lost either way...
The Epoque influence is more obvious in this one, I think.
Yet another outfit that was made for a contest of some sort. I don't really remember what the prompt for this contest might've just been girly themed, but I'm not sure. I believe I won, though.
Another black and pink outfit. I just wanted to get some use out of these shoes.
Can you tell that I like these flowy vests?
Very similar to the last outfit, but in pink instead of blue. Different bag and headband, too.
Brown and pink outfit. I made my hair pink too because I didn't feel like there was quite enough pink in the outfit. Also I just wanted pink hair.
I was going for the dalmatian look with this one ;)
Little Red Riding Hood
I like this shoe/sock combo.
Wow, I really do tend to just use the same color combinations over and over again, huh?
I put together this outfit for a photoshoot with Luna Skye's character, Kristen. I'll post those pictures at some point, of course.
Oh look, we're back to pink. A fairly floral outfit. Used the pinkish shades of brown for the hair, just for something different.
More floral pink, this time with more green.
Oh, here's a different color scheme! I feel like I should've gone with a more interesting hair color for this one.
Aaaand right back to pink, with another flower crown as well.
I don't usually like taking pictures in Bougainville, but this one ended up looking really good.
Pink city, pink soul.
Girly pastels.
More flowers.
A very old outfit, for one of the first contests I ever entered. You were supposed to dress in your favorite brand. I was rather lacking in Purple Moon at the time (I'm not sure I'd even unlocked it yet) so I went with Marzipan Sky instead.
Blue girl next to a blue fountain.
This is an outfit that's great for if your upper body is cold, but your lower body is hot lol
I like the color scheme quite a bit, though.
An outfit that won another girly-themed contest for me :)
I deliberately avoided using pink. 
I have a real flower crown problem.
Another favorite.
Similar to the other red/white outfit above, but a lot nicer, I think.
Red, White & Blue Winter.
Another wintery outfit, this time in brown and white.
One of my nicer recent outfits.
Another winter outfit. In an outfit this light I feel like I might just blend in with the snow, though :P
And let's immediately contrast it with a very summery outfit.
This is another one that I think might be more lively than girly...but it's still going in this post.
One more favorite for this post.
And to finish things off, here's me in a flowery girly outfit...posing in front of my shop where I'm displaying another flowery girly outfit.

And that's it for this post. Why have my posts been so long lately? Ugh...

Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to rewatching Akatsuki no Yona.

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