Monday, December 4, 2017

Yukata Be Kiddin' Me

No, I'm not going to apologize for that title.

Anyway, I'm feeling mostly better now, just very tired, so I figured it was about time for another post.
Even though there's not that much that you can do with them, I still really enjoy playing around with the yukatas, so I figured I'd dedicate a post to that.
This is just going to be a picture spam post with little to no commentary because...I just don't feel like I have much to say.
And also because I'm tired and my brain isn't working super well at the moment. Not that it ever is, really :P
Let's just ignore the gross stretched texture on the bottom half of the yukata.
I really like how this one turned out, particularly the hair.
Looking a bit out of place in my boutique.
A personal favorite. I love the combination of the yukata and the tiny top hat.
Mysterious Eastern Beauty
Bunny ears improve every outfit.
A goldfish-themed outfit. I really like how the hair/bow combination worked out.
Another favorite. I love how adorable this one ended up being.
Finishing off with the Rosalina yukata, of course.

And that's it for now.


  1. The goldfish-themed one is really amazing. Other than the bag, I've never seen those items before. The hair goes perfectly with the bow... I like them all, but the yellow one with the flower crown is also particularly sweet.
