Thursday, November 23, 2017

Random Cat Update

Went to my brother's house for Thanksgiving, had a good time, hung out with his pets, and now Jealousface is being a big clingy baby.

Awkwardly cropped because I didn't want my face in the picture.

Just posting this because I thought someone might be amused by my big jealous baby of a cat.

Miscellaneous Style

Happy Pie Day to everyone who celebrates it, and to those who don't, you should have some pie today anyway! And maybe some turkey, but the pie is the important part. At any rate, I thought I'd take this chance to post some fall fashion before my favorite season comes to an end.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Customer Appreciation Day

Luna is a much more social creature than I am, and likes to hang out with her customers. She even considers many of them to be her friends, that crazy lass. She also has a compulsive need to constantly take pictures of everything. So today we're gonna look at some pictures she's taken with her customers ;)
The first group event I'd gotten in quite a while.
Really looks like there should be a fifth person there. Also, Luna missed the 'turtlenecks only' memo, but was reluctantly allowed to join the group anyway :P

Friday, November 17, 2017

Miscellaneous Style

I meant to post this a few days ago, but I haven't been feeling well :/ whatever, let's get started.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Basic Bitch

Yup, couldn't resist that title. Today I've got some basic outfits for you and, well...that's about it.
Let's begin!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Brainstorming Pokemon Teams

Sometimes when I play Pokemon I like to put together teams based on a particular theme. I thought maybe that'd be a fun thing to post about. So here's an idea that I've been playing around with for a while: a Fate team, based on the different servant classes.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Miscellaneous Style

Continuing with my enjoyment of lolita-style clothing, I've got two more Trendsetters outfits for you today.

Babydoll Special

"I'll post something else in a little bit" I said, six seven hours ago >.>; er, well, at any rate, let's put aside my procrastination for the moment. Miiverse is officially gone, and I'll really miss it, but instead of sulking about it, I'm going to dedicate a post to one of my favorite styles in these games- the babydoll/princess/sweet lolita style. So without further ado, let's begin.
These gloves actually look kind of gross up close. Also, I'm not sure that fancy lace gloves are what you should wear while cooking.

Bye Bye Miiverse

Well, Miiverse has officially shut down :(

It's sad, but there's no point in dwelling on it, I suppose. I'll post something cheerier in a bit, but first, I must eat.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Welcome to Magnolia: Styling Star Demo Part 1

Yes, you read that title correctly. Part one. You might be wondering how I could possibly stretch the demo into multiple posts. I've said before, I have a tendency to go...a biiiiit overboard with things ^_^' so I've played the demo about seven times, and taken a bunch of screenshots each time. At any rate, though, let's get started!
Rosie has a worse memory than I do.
I love that you get to name your town this time! I've been using 'Magnolia' for the demo, and I'll probably stick with it in the full game.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Miscellaneous Style

Back to Fashion Forward for another random selection of pictures.                                                                       
Let's begin!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Miscellaneous Style: Trendsetters Edition

Now that Halloween has passed and October is finished, it's time to broaden our horizons. Well, at least a little bit. So, it's Trendsetters time!
Meet Airi.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

New Room

I've put up a new room for download, where you can buy one of my designer pieces. From now on, I'll be swapping my room out once a month.
This month's room.
And this is the dress that you can buy off the mannequin.