Sunday, November 5, 2017

Miscellaneous Style

Back to Fashion Forward for another random selection of pictures.                                                                       
Let's begin!
Luna rocking the Minnie Mouse look.
These particular babydoll dresses give me a strong Alice in Wonderland vibe. Which is always a good thing!
Basic pastels.
A mostly pink boho-chic outfit.
A green and white preppy look.
Pastel goth. I like playing around with the styles like this.
A feminine outfit with a dark color palette. And no fringe for once!
A bold/lively outfit I put together for Robz' cuticool contest ages ago. I still really like this one.
A babydoll outfit that I put together recently for a contest. I put together two different outfits and entered both.
This is the other one I entered. I liked the first one more, but thought this one fit the prompt better, so I ended up entering both. I won with this one.
Another outfit that was put together recently for a contest. The prompt was 'goth princess'. I ended up not entering this one, though.
Here's the one I did enter. They're quite similar, but looking at them now, I actually like the first one better, so I'm not sure why I went with this one instead...
Beige and brown. I think this outfit is mostly feminine?
A purple-themed psychedelic outfit. This might've been for a contest, but I'm not sure.
An old boho-chic outfit. One of the first ones I put together, I think.
A green and black sporty outfit. The orange side ponytail and beach setting just make me think of Misty.
A bold/eastern outfit, built around the flowery shirt.
A purple and red outfit that I put together the other day. This actually might be the first picture I've posted here that I haven't first posted on Miiverse.
Girly yellow.
A rare light-colored rock outfit.
Casual blues. This is actually something I might wear IRL.
This is one of my favorite outfits, as evidenced by the fact that I keep bringing it back. I think this is the first picture I took of it, but I'm not sure.
A rock outfit based around one of the rock yukatas. I need to use frames more often.

And that's it for today! I'll be posting about the Styling Star demo in a day or two, though, so look forward to that.

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