Luna is a much more social creature than I am, and likes to hang out with her customers. She even considers many of them to be her friends, that crazy lass. She also has a compulsive need to constantly take pictures of everything. So today we're gonna look at some pictures she's taken with her customers ;)
The first group event I'd gotten in quite a while.
Really looks like there should be a fifth person there. Also, Luna missed the 'turtlenecks only' memo, but was reluctantly allowed to join the group anyway :P |
An extremely purple Luna posing with her favorite customer, Sophie. |
And this time Sophie's the one who's purple! And Luna looks especially tiny in this picture. |
Unfortunately, unlike Luna, I have a terrible memory and I'm bad with names. This, er...might be Mari? Maaaaybe... |
My cutest sporty customer. I can't remember her name, but I recognize her because she's had that hair and make-up for the longest time. |
With Xiaoling. Luna secretly loves it when people choose to do this pose because it makes them look shorter than her. For once. |
Another one with Xiaoling, and this time Callie's here too. And Luna's dressed as Rosalina, so that's cool. |
 | No clue who this is. She's got awesome hair, though. |
Luna the Bunny with another mystery customer. |
I hadn't gotten any group events in the longest time, but now I'm suddenly getting them like crazy. |
Case in point.
Er, ignore how weird the girl on the bottom left looks. She's one of my former aliens...
Also, we're all wearing matching coats. Yes, that's on purpose. |
An old picture of another girly group event. The girl with the red hair stayed in this outfit long enough for me to forget her actual style and be very confused when she wanted to buy one of my psychedelic display outfits. |
I don't remember who this customer is, but I do remember giving her this make-over. It was one of the first make-overs I posted on Miiverse. |
Yup, no clue who this is. I can't help but feel like we look out of place in this fancy restaurant, though lol |
Oh, here's someone I recognize! This is probably one of my favorite outfits that I've put together for Laurie. |
I know who this is! Her name, it starts with a G, I think... |
Ok, this one I do know. This is Suzy. This also might be the very first picture I took with a customer. It's definitely one of the first, at least. |
I wasn't paying enough attention when I selected what pictures to use for this post. I didn't realize that so many of them were this pose... |
I was a little late with this one. She still looks taller. Sorry, Luna. |
Wow Sasha, that's one thick sleeve you've got there. |
I've taken to putting Zoey in preppy/sporty fusion outfits lately. She doesn't always accept them, though, because apparently this particular combination is only sometimes acceptable. |
Here's a picture with my newest mermaid. Coincidentally we ended up with the same color scheme. |
This one is with Coletta. It seems to be completely random which names I remember and which ones I don't. |
Okay, maybe not completely random. I'm pretty sure I remember Zuleika's name because of how odd it is. |
Blonde babydoll sisters. |
Despite being the 'Queen of Cool' Callie always seems to go for the cutesy poses. |
You know, I'm pretty sure that those trees in Maple Crescent are magical. Like, actually magical. I mean, they glow at night! |
Luna looking cute with Mystery Customer #352 |
Speaking of mysterious customers, we've got one of my aliens here. |
BunBun Funland needs to work on the quality of their holograms. I mean, look at how pixelated they are! |
I sympathize with Luna, really. I also get tired of people towering over me all of the time. |
Having a chat with...someone. |
Alright, one more that I actually remember. This is Glenn. |
And finishing off with a pair of pictures taken at another recent group event. |
The girl in the back is clearly laughing at my dry wit :P |
And that's it for now.
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