Friday, November 17, 2017

Miscellaneous Style

I meant to post this a few days ago, but I haven't been feeling well :/ whatever, let's get started.
Outfit #1
This one is a preppy outfit with blue and green as the main colors.
I really like the sweater and cardigan. The colors are very pleasant and they go well together.
...though wearing a sweater over a sweater might be a bit odd.
Not that I haven't been known to do that IRL. What can I say? It's cold here.
Outfit #2
This one's a pink/purple pop outfit.
I've mentioned before how much I love the bunny bags, but I also really like these headbands.
The bunny bags are still the best, though. I want one IRL.

That's it for now. With any luck I'll sleep better today and will feel up to posting something else later.

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