Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Welcome to Stardom: Styling Star Demo Part Three

Yup, it's finally time for the last part.

We've played dress-up and worked at the boutique, so now it's time to head over to NIN10 Productions and get to the thing I'm most looking forward to in this game.
Rather than sprinkling my commentary throughout the post like I did with the first two, I'm just gonna put it all here.

I'm super excited for the idol stuff. I think it'll be a fun new addition that'll really help set this game apart from the previous ones. Also I just really enjoy this stuff and, well...I don't think we're ever going to get a proper idol game here that isn't a mobile game. But hey, if I can't have Idolmaster, at least I can have this!

Considering that this technically isn't an idol game, the music (from what I've heard so far) is surprisingly good! Especially the english versions. I was worried that they'd be horrible, but they're sounding pretty good so far, though Rosie's voice is really throwing me off. 

So there are two songs available in the demo: a girly one and a rock one. They're not amazing, but they're pretty good! Better than I would've expected, anyway, though I do prefer the japanese versions. With all that said, I gave into my curiosity and listened to some of the other songs from the full game, whatever ones I managed to find on youtube, and you know what? They're all good! In fact, the songs in the demo seem to be the weakest ones, which is very promising. My favorite so far is this one.

How did I know that the goth songs would be the best ones?

As for the performances themselves, I haven't watched any from the actual game (I do have SOME self control), but the ones in the demo were okay. Decent, but nothing special. I assume the ones in the full game will be better, though.

Okay, now it's picture time.

And that's it! I'm done with the demo. You won't be seeing any more Styling Star stuff from me until I get the game, which will hopefully be when it comes out next month.

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