Thursday, November 2, 2017

Miscellaneous Style: Trendsetters Edition

Now that Halloween has passed and October is finished, it's time to broaden our horizons. Well, at least a little bit. So, it's Trendsetters time!
Meet Airi.
Grace and Renee, characters from the first game.
Talking about the player character from the first game.
What makes this especially funny is that I named my character Airi in the first game too.

Now that I've introduced you to my character and shared a little funny anecdote, let's get to the real meat of this post. Trendsetters posts will probably be a bit different from the Fashion Forward ones, because the photo studio works a bit differently, and I've found myself taking a lot more pictures of each individual outfit. So there'll probably just be 1-3 outfits per post. We'll start with two today!
Outfit #1, from my very first photoshoot in this game.
The game considers this one to be a pop outfit, which surprised me, since girly was what I was going for.
There'll probably be a lot less commentary in these posts, because, well...there's only so much to say about any given outfit. Maybe I'll switch up the format for these posts. We'll see.
And now on to outfit #2
This one's a flirty outfit with a purple and black color scheme.
Please ignore the fact that my hair is clipping through my hood.
As close to a full body shot as I was able to get from this shoot.
My favorite picture from this shoot.

And that's it for today!

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