Monday, November 13, 2017

Basic Bitch

Yup, couldn't resist that title. Today I've got some basic outfits for you and, well...that's about it.
Let's begin!
Outfit #1
I've worn outfits very similar to this a bunch of times a lot in Fashion Forward.
For some reason I just really like this white turtleneck + pink vest combo.
Not much else to say, really.
Outfit #2
Not much to say here either.
This outfit was actually built around these socks, which makes it all the more annoying that this is the only picture where they're visible.
The awkward hover hand returns.
...why did I take so many pictures of this one?
Outfit #3
This one's probably my favorite of the three.

And that's it for now. There might be another post tonight, we'll see.


  1. I gotta say I'm with you on the last one being my favourite of the three... "Basic Bitch" made me laugh, also. XD

    1. Yup, I couldn't resist using that as the title ;)
