Wednesday, November 1, 2017

New Room

I've put up a new room for download, where you can buy one of my designer pieces. From now on, I'll be swapping my room out once a month.
This month's room.
And this is the dress that you can buy off the mannequin.
This dress is actually one of my first ever designs. I made it to wear at Adelaide's wedding, I believe, and I've gotten quite a lot of use out of it since.
At the wedding.
In front of Peony Hall. I took this one for 'flower crown day'.
This was for a contest where you had to wear one of your designs and the picture had to be taken in front of your shop. I thought I might get bonus if I my mannequin was also wearing some of my designs lol
This one was also for a contest, but I don't remember what contest it was for...
Just being cute.
Hanging out in the meadows.
...and in the park.

I told you I'd gotten a lot of use out of it. And this isn't even all of the pictures! At any rate, this room will be available for the rest of the month, so please enjoy~

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