Friday, November 10, 2017

Brainstorming Pokemon Teams

Sometimes when I play Pokemon I like to put together teams based on a particular theme. I thought maybe that'd be a fun thing to post about. So here's an idea that I've been playing around with for a while: a Fate team, based on the different servant classes.

If you're not familiar with the Fate franchise, it's about mages fighting a war for possession of the Holy Grail, which can grant wishes. But rather than fighting themselves, they summon heroic spirits as servants to fight for them. Servants come under different classes, and while there are some special classes, the standard ones are SaberArcherLancerRiderCaster,
Berserker, and Assassin. Yes, I realize that that's seven, and Pokemon only allows up to six Pokemon per team. A rotating team (maybe including some of the special classes) is an option, but I'll probably just leave one out when I do this.

Now the question is, which Pokemon to use for each class?

Well, the obvious answer for Saber would be Aegislash (which would also work as a Shielder), but Gallade and Bisharp seem fitting to me as well. Keldeo works too, but since it's event-only...
Archer would obviously be Robinhoot- er, I mean Decidueye.
Lancer would be Escavalier or Samurott. I realize that Samurott is technically based on a samurai, but I still feel like it works better as Lancer than Saber.
Rider could technically be any Pokemon that could be ridden, but personally, I would stick with the equine Pokemon, so RapidashZebstrika, or Mudsdale.
Caster could be just about any psychic (or even fairy) type, but the most fitting would be Delphox or Mismagius.
Berserker would be Lycanroc (midnight form)Gyarados, or Primeape.
For AssassinGreninja would be the obvious choice, but I think Weavile works too.

And then if you wanted to use some of the special classes for a rotating team...
Aegislash works for Shielder, as I said above.
Anything royalty-themed works for Ruler (Nidoking/NidoqueenEmpoleon,
Vespiquen, ect.)
Banette would make a good Avenger.

So...yeah. Thoughts? Is this a theme anyone else would be interested in using for a team? Are there any other fitting Pokemon that I missed? Would you like to see more posts like this?


  1. I don't know very much about the Fate series, but this looks pretty sound for a themed team... Although that might not mean much coming from a person whose "best" or at least most frequent idea for a themed team is along the lines of "Let's make a team of Pokemon that all look like hot chicks! Or that look like hot chicks but are all actually male..."

    1. That second one absolutely sounds like a team that I would do lol
