Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Bye Bye Miiverse

Well, Miiverse has officially shut down :(

It's sad, but there's no point in dwelling on it, I suppose. I'll post something cheerier in a bit, but first, I must eat.


  1. Hey! It's Eliz from Miiverse! I found your blog!

    1. It's great to see you here :)

    2. Same! I was worried when I saw Miiverse was ending to lose touch with all the cool people from Miiverse ;3;

      I still can't get over how they just up and did, like, bam- we did it, it's gone-- suffer. Ahh though feels good to be able to express oneself without the constant fear of your comment being removed or being banned.

    3. Yeah, I didn't want to lose contact with everyone either, that's why I was advertising my blog so much the last few days lol

      I was really upset when they announced they were shutting Miiverse down, and I still am, honestly, but eh...what's done is done and there's no point in dwelling on it. Of course, I say that because I actually do have a terrible habit of dwelling on unpleasant things x_x I'm trying to get better about that.

      Hehe yeah, there were many, many times on Miiverse that I had to reword my posts, or even just not say what I wanted to say at all, because I didn't want to get in trouble. Nice thing about running my own blog- I don't have to worry about that anymore :P and of course, as long as you're not mean or a spambot, you don't need to worry about me deleting your comments or anything ;)

    4. 100% right on there.

      ahh trust me I'm no spam bot or mean-- If anything I can tend to have no filter at times when it comes to 'bad words' sooo-- I mean I can control myself but-- eh-- eve" But I've been there, like for example on certain things, like Animal crossing new leaf! I wanted to give my friend code so people could come and visit my town but since it was against the rules I was like- 'N o p e'. Getting banned from Miiverse was not on my to-do list xD

    5. Ahaha I know, that part was a joke ;)

      I've got quite the potty mouth myself. Really, the fact that I wrote 'mean' and not 'asshole' is just evidence that the Miiverse influence is still there to an extent >.>'

      Yeah, I once has a post of mine taken down because someone asked for my friend code. I didn't even give it to them, I didn't reply at all, and yet I got punished for it >.< so that's one thing I WON'T miss about Miiverse lol

    6. Also, I'm realizing now that this face >.< looks hilariously derpy in this font XD

  2. Yeah. It's only been a day, but I already miss Miiverse. I miss my friends and followers already, like alli... ;-;

    At least you're here! :D

    1. Yeah, I miss everyone too. But hey, you're here, and Mel, and Robz, and Robert, and Eliz, and anyone else who's shown up, but has just been lurking and not commenting :) Robz and Mel have started their own blogs, too.
