Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Miscellaneous Style

I don't wanna post about Styling Star too much, to the point of completely neglecting the other games, so here, have a Trendsetters post.
Outfit #1
This one's a flirty outfit.
I thought about including this one in the flirty-themed post I did a while ago, but decided against it because that post was long enough as is.
Plus this outfit is relatively similar to ones that were already in that post.
I still like this one a lot, though.
This smug face always makes me laugh.
I love these rose chokers.
Outfit #2
A rather simple bold one.
Not much to say about this one, really.
Obligatory 'what did I just step in' pose. In my house that's not even a question. The answer is always cat puke. Thanks, Chloe...
Outfit #3
A lively outfit this time. Well, aside from the bag.
This one started with the sunset sherbet hair, and was built around that.
I like this one a lot. It's cute and I like this combination of colors.
Nothing else to say about it aside from that, really.
Last pic, so let's make it a nice one♪

That's it for now. Next post will probably be Styling Star again lol

Actually, speaking of which, Styling Star update- I've just finished Rosie's storyline, and Yolanda and Alina's are just about finished as well. I guess I'm nearing the end of the story?

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