Thursday, January 4, 2018

Mysterious Beauty

Aaaaand we're right back to Styling Star.
I've been really loving all of the new lolita stuff, so we've got a goth outfit for today.
A nighttime photoshoot seemed especially fitting here, with the dark blue color scheme.
I'm so happy that they brought back the little capes. And the big coats that actually go with the poofy skirts/dresses instead of squishing them down.
MY FAVORITE POSE. I love it, it's so Steins;Gate.
Going for a late night stroll.
I like this look a lot, I think Alice ended up looking super pretty♪
Mysterious beauty in the night.
This is the 'Fairytale Crown' nail set, by the way.
After the solo shoot, we had a late night lolita meetup.
Met up with some customers whose names I don't remember.
They look great, though. Especially this one.
With Lisa, the Marble Lily brand rep, who's even cuter in this game than the last one.
Alice & Camilla, nighttime beauties.
Completely ruining my mysterious image with my favorite idol.
Now for some pictures from around town. Caught myself blinking here...
I really look a lot less mysterious during the day. Still pretty, though.
Posing in front of my shop, where I'm displaying an outfit with one of those amazing hoodies.
In front of my shop again, but with a different outfit on display. Also, I mentioned it in one of my demo posts, but this hairstyle looks even nicer in this game than it did in the last one.
Planning a make-over for a customer.
That mysterious image I had going on is just completely shot now, isn't it?
Oh well.

That's it for now, but I've got another post planned for either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. A sort of requested one, too.

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