Friday, January 5, 2018

Shopdo & Design Centre

I've now gotten set up on Shopdo and Design Centre, so I figured I'd post about it.
Welcome to Fantasia♪
My shopping bag design.
My Shopdo info. You can use the Owner ID to search for me on Shopdo and on Design Centre, I believe.

These are the outfits that are currently available in my Shopdo, but I'll try to remember to swap them out every few days or so.
Outfit #1
Outfit #2
Outfit #3

In addition to Shopdo, I've also gotten set up on Design Centre, and um...well, as I've said before, I have a tendency to go overboard with things, so naturally, once I got started designing stuff I couldn't stop. All of these were made in one night!
Designer dress #1. Designed it to be similar to my shopping bag.
Designer dress #2, lovely and blue.
Designer dress #3. I think I made a similar one in Fashion Forward at one point.
Designer dress #4. These are out of order, this was actually the first one I made.
Designer dress #5. Dark Rose Princess.
Designer dress #6. More flowers.
Hey, something that's not a dress! A recreation of one of my favorite designer t-shirts from Fashion Forward. The colors are slightly different, though.
And a pair of designer shoes. Teal leopard print.
I've also put up a couple of full outfits, so here's the first one.
Additionally, I've put up the individual items as well, for anyone that only wants part of the outfit and not the whole thing. Here's the kitty bag!
More leopard print shoes.
And the dress.
Outfit #2. I really like this one, you can probably expect some pictures in it soon.
The boots.
The bag.
And the dress.

That's all for now, but you can expect another wave of designs when I unlock the stage costumes.

Also, on an unrelated note, I was finally able to buy these beautiful shoes.
I've been waiting for these since I saw the opening video for the first time.

So that's cool :)


  1. This may sound weird...but I want to eat your shopping bag! Whenever I look at it I think of a giant juicy strawberry! Or ice cream!

    My ID is 0006741120 (character name is Alphard). Hopefully I made no typos. I'll definitely drop by your shop when I play later today. :)

    I love your designs, especially Pink Lemonade. Haven't gotten into designing much, but I'll probably mess around more once I'm finished the story.

    1. Ahaha, I know exactly what you mean. The color scheme ended up very strawberry/watermelon-y, didn't it?

      I actually started designing stuff because of you, funnily enough. I was also going to wait until I finished the story to start designing clothes (and also to start with the interior decorating stuff as well), but since you asked about Shopdo, I figured I'd better pretty up my shop and get set up on Shopdo, and then I figured if I was gonna do that, I might as well design some stuff to put up on the Design Centre...

      Thank you! The Pink Lemonade set did end up really cute, didn't it? :)

      I'll definitely visit your shop soon! And I'll make sure to get some pictures with your character, because I love doing that.

    2. I wish we could use multiple shopping bags at once and have the game cycle randomly between them. Trendsetters did that...I think? Could have sworn I saw a few different shopping bag designs for each type of interior.

      I paid a visit to your shop a couple days ago and dropped you a few likes. :) I regret not taking more photos, because our characters looked like long-lost sisters, haha! I did go for a second visit today, which was great since Alice was wearing Pink Lemonade.

      You and Marzipanini inspired me to start my own blog, so those photos will be going up eventually. Come visit me sometime at :)

    3. Yeah, that'd be cool. Maybe next game?

      Aw, thank you! I'll try and swap the outfits out maybe once a week or so.

      That's awesome! I'll head over there in a little bit :)

  2. Very nice!
    I visited your shop, and even met Alice, and got a photo taken with her. It's at my Style Savvy blog, if you want to see it.

    1. Thanks! And yeah, I saw your post :) I'll make sure to visit your Shopdo soon and get some pictures as well.

  3. Omg I love those butterfly shoes as well!! I just discovered them and they are gorgeous! Your designs are so cute, I love the red/black outfit!

    I'd love to visit your Shopdo and download your items, but I can't get it to work as I believe Nintendo region locked the online content. So if you are playing Style Savvy (NA Region), I can't access your stuff as I'm playing Style Boutique (EUR/AUS Region). I can't access Japanese players either.

    1. Yeah, they're beautiful, aren't they? I've just been waiting for them to show up in the Exhibition Hall for the whole game lol and thank you! I thought that one ended up cute too :) especially the kitty bag, but that's to be expected :P

      Yeah, I saw your reply over on your blog. It's really unfortunate :( thanks for the sentiment, though. I'm glad that you like my stuff!

      Also, a random comment, but I've been meaning to say this for a while- I love the name of your personal blog. It's super cute.

    2. Yes I tried visiting your Shopdo and attempted to download the items, but it just comes up with not found :( UGH Nintendo why must you do this??

      Aww thank you. It took a while to think of, names are hard haha. I'm hoping to update it regularly this year and I'm making sure to check your blog regularly as well :)

    3. Yeah, I'm terrible with names too. That's why I tend to just use the same ones over and over again. My boutique's been named Fantasia in every game so far. I could say it's tradition, but really, I just can't think of anything better lol

      Glad to hear it, on both accounts. I really like your blogs, and it's nice to have a new reader on my own :)

    4. I can't even remember what my past boutiques have been called haha. In Animal Crossing, I always name my town Sunbury because I'm too lazy to think of a new one.
