Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Miscellaneous Style

Time for another one of these.
One of my funner eastern looks.
Purple Lolita
A girly look with some basic jeans. I did a set of these, but I'll save the rest for other posts.
Having fun at the seaside cafe.
Cotton Candy Colors
Feminine/girly outfit with purple and white as the colors. It bothers me slightly that the skirt isn't quiiite the same shade as the top and shoes. 
Lively time at the beach. Pink hair is always fun.
A sporty close-up.
Playing around with colors, though it's a bit hard to tell from this picture.
An all pink outfit for a contest. The prompt was to find a new style for Princess Peach, so I went with basic. I guess this is technically a cosplay, then?
I kinda wish I'd taken this picture in spring, but fall works too!
All teal, all the time.
Walking home from school. Don't mind the floating braid, there was a hairspray accident...
Wow, who's that hottie on the billboard? ;)
Gotta love that high contrast black/red.
A gentlemanly babydoll outfit using a pair of goth pants. Kinda wish they were white, though.
All green kitty. I think this might've been for a contest, but I'm not sure.
Preppy Princess. This one was definitely for a contest. A...well, 'preppy princess' contest. I don't remember if a winner was ever announced, but I feel like I kinda won by default, because everyone else basically just ignored the 'preppy' part.
Luna singing her heart out on stage again.
Cleaning up.
Another kitty. Can you tell that I really like using the cat/bunny ears?
Blue Rose.
I've referenced this outfit before, so here it is.
This is another one that may or may not have been put together for a contest, but I can't quite remember.
Hanging out in the meadows.
All purple. Everything, even the make-up. I would've chosen a purple background, too, but I blended in too much.
Fancy dinner.
Luna admiring her own handiwork.
A gothic lolita outfit made using only Marble Lily items.
Experimenting with bold stuff.
I really need to learn my lesson about black hair against dark backgrounds...
Luna admiring herself.
Another fun bold outfit that I put together recently.
Getting some use out of one of the rainbow gradient dresses, though I prefer the more pastel-y one. I really should've gone with a different hairstyle.
Selling 'The Dressing Room' to the same person for the 20th time. It never stops being funny.
Yet another bold outfit.
I really, really like this one.
Here's an outfit that I put together for what was probably one of the most fun and interesting contests I've entered. The prompt was to create a character for a story that ItzChara (the host) was writing. The story involved living toys, so of course I made a gothic doll with yandere tendencies. Like I said, fun ;)
I feel like I've posted variations of this outfit multiple times already...well, here it is again.
In hindsight, I feel like those earrings were a bad idea.
Luna admiring the ocean.
I like this shirt a lot. Also, somehow I ended up with way too many pictures with this pose in this set...whoops?
A slightly different version of this will probably end up in the Brooke Bridge brand highlight.
For our last picture, have a surprisingly girly-looking sporty outfit.

And that's it for today, but I've actually got two posts planned for tomorrow, so look forward to it.

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