Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Pastel Pop

Man, I'm really regretting my decision to give each of these its own title...this one's not even all that accurate, I just literally couldn't think of anything else. Ugh. Maybe I'll change my policy regarding Styling Star posts...

Er, anyway. Sorry that I haven't posted in nearly a week. I've been busy.
Today's outfit.
A lively/girly one. With some babydoll socks for good measure.
These Marble Lily thigh highs are great.
Too much winking going on in this one.
I think there might actually have been something wrong with Alice's eye the day of this photoshoot.
Obligatory Steins;Gate pose.
Using the 'Candy Ribbon' nail set.
Man, I must've been really proud of my make-up job or something, taking this many close-ups.
One last close-up for good measure.
Matching color schemes with Benedetta.
Matching side ponytails with Rosie.
I seem to have passed the winking disease to my assistant. Sorry, Hannah!
And one last pic with someone whose name I can't remember. I also love these mismatched April Bonbon thigh highs. They're very fun.
Stretching adorably.
I still haven't done much with the exterior of my shop. Shit's expensive, man.
Not an accurate portrayal of how I react to the sun shining in my face. It's usually more like this.

That's it for now, but more will be coming soon, I swear. Like, tomorrow soon.


  1. Very cute outfit indeed, and I like the poses and winks! ;)

  2. Yay, a new post! And hey, I recognize that look! :P
    I'd been wondering about that pose, good to know it was inspired by Steins;Gate.
    BTW, I love those new Marzipan Sky earrings too, I often use them when I'm wearing Marble Lily colours.

    1. Indeed you do ;)

      I mean, it might not have been, but it certainly looks like it was! I'm just waiting for my chance to do some Steins;Gate cosplay...

      Yeah, all of the new earrings are great! The butterfly and riceball ones are probably my favorites, but they really have stepped up their earring game in general.
