Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Caprice Chalet & Shopdo Update

It's October, so you know a Halloween update was necessary.
My Halloween room makes its return again this year!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Duotone - Green & Purple

Time for another one of these.
A less predictable combo this time.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Miscellaneous Miraland

I...guess this is what I'm gonna call these posts? I dunno, I'm bad at this. That's why I use generic titles for most of my posts. Anyway, let's just get to it!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Outfit Of The Day

I really don't have anything to say, so let's just get right to it!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Chaprice Chalet & Shopdo Update

So I've decided that I don't feel like updating my room or my Shopdo on a schedule anymore, so I'm just gonna update them whenever I feel like it. I'm probably usually gonna update them at the same time, and I'll probably post continue to post them on here. I dunno, we'll see. Clearly I'm in a very decisive mood. Anyway, let's get to today's update!
Here's the room, it's one of my favorites.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Miscellaneous Style

It's not quite what I had planned, but here's one last post for summer.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Completed Suits, Part One

I told you you'd be getting these fairly often.

So, a quick explanation for anyone that doesn't play Love Nikki. The game has certain items that are meant to go together and form full outfits. They're called suits for some reason? And you get prizes for completing them. So I'm gonna do posts here and there just showing which suits I've completed so far. So let's get started!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Duotone - Blue & Pink

Time for part two.
Let's be honest, you all knew what the next color combo would be. I'm very predictable.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Miscellaneous Style

I definitely did NOT get distracted and completely forget to post stuff for two weeks. Nope, that didn't happen and you can't prove anything >.>; er, anyway, it's been far too long since I've posted any Trendsetters stuff, so let's not waste any more time!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Miscellaneous Style: Love Nikki Edition

I'm gonna have to come up with a different title for these.

Anyway, yeah, I started playing Love Nikki while I was away. I'm really enjoying it, and you can probably expect relatively frequent posts about it. More frequent than anything else other than Style Savvy, at least. Now let's take a look at some random outfits I've put together!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Brand Highlight: Retrobeat

Today's brand is Retrobeat! Retrobeat was introduced in Trendsetters under the name 'Popquiz', though there were similar brands in the first game called Capsule and Dazies. The brand's style is 'psychedelic' and it specializes in retro-styled clothes with bright colors and quirky patterns.

This, predictably, was the hardest one to do. Prepare for some...interesting looks.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cat Update

You guys are long overdue for a pet update. With that said, though, I've taken so many pictures that a single update would end up being absurdly long, so I'm splitting it in two. Honestly, even split in two they're still gonna be super long. Anyway, cat update first, so let's go!

Friday, July 19, 2019

Duotone - Black & White

Is this a challenge? I suppose I could make it one if I wanted to, but...meh. So this is something I did a lot of while I was gone. It's like the mono color style challenge (which I also did while I was away, expect that at some point) except with two colors, basically. Simple enough.

Obviously I was gonna start with this combination.                                                               

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

General Style Savvy Update

I didn't really update my Style Savvy stuff at all while I was gone, whoops. I have now, though, so here we go!

Starting with my Caprice Chalet room! Since it's my birthday, I decided to bring back my favorite room, the cat cafe.

I'm Back

Also, it's my birthday.

Hey guys. It's, uh, been a while, huh? So basically, a few months back my computer just completely crapped out on me, and I haven't been able to afford a new one, so I've been without a computer. Hence why I've been gone.

So why haven't I been able to afford a new computer? Well, I dunno about anywhere else, but one of the fun things about living in the US is that sometimes it's just randomly decided that a diagnosis isn't valid anymore for no fucking reason, and then you have to spend all of your money on appointments to get re-tested, so that you can get re-diagnosed, so that you can get back on your anxiety meds. Just super fun. I'm still not back on them, for the record.

Er, anyway. I actually still can't afford a new computer, but my dad has gifted me a mostly-new, slightly-used laptop for my birthday. Yay! So I'm back and I'm gonna try to post as often as I can, but I can't make any promises. It's the middle of summer and I have a lot of stuff to get caught up on, after all. I will try and post regularly on tumblr at least!

Oh, and before I go, here's an incredible picture I took of Ben recently.
Isn't he a beauty?

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Room

Happy New Year! And a belated Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays. Sorry about the lack of posts lately. On top of being busy, I've been having some serious issues with Blogger. At any rate though, it's a new month, so that means I've updated my Caprice Chalet room.
This month's room. No designs for once!
Luna's outfit for the month.
Going for a general eastern theme this month.
Man, I really miss Maple Crescent.

That's all for now. Oh! But before I go, there's something I want to mention. I created a secondary blog on tumblr recently, and it's dedicated to Fruits Basket. So if anyone here is interested in Fruits Basket, come check it out.